1986 Von Hippel Award Nominations Sought
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deposited at atmospheric and reduced pressures, adhesion of tungsten films to dielectrics, the influence of dopants and silicon dioxide on the reduction of WF 6 by silicon and hydrogen, practical aspects of L P C V D tungsten, properties of blanket tungsten films deposited by sputtering and L P C V D , devices and techniques, electrical properties of t u n g s t e n f i l m s on s i l i c o n , and properties of refractory metal films on GaAs. The keynote paper, presented by Pallab Chatterjee, director of VLSI Design at Texas I n s t r u m e n t s , is entitled " I n t e r connects and VLSI—A Device Designer's Perspective." Papers from the 1984 Workshop included in the volume total 25, and cover L P C V D tungsten techniques; source gas p u r i t y , analysis, and flow control; properties and characteristics of tungsten films; tungsten/ silicon interaction; modeling; device applications; and the f u t u r e of refractory metals in VLSI applications. The keynote paper, by A. N . S a x e n a , G o u l d / A M I , is entitled " V L S I M u l t i l e v e l M e t a l l i z a t i o n s : The Role of Tungsten." Sandia National Laboratories organized the 1985 Workshop jointly w i t h the University of California-Berkeley's U n i v e r s i t y Engineering Extension to gauge interest in this technology, to identify laboratories in this field, and to provide an o p p o r t u n i t y for those beginning research in this area to exchange results. The 1985 Workshop was twice the length of the 1984 Workshop to
accommodate the g r o w i n g amount of new i n f o r m a t i o n and interest in tungsten for VLSI applications. The volume marks the first time that MRS has published the proceedings of a conference which was not sponsored by MRS. The 59 contributed and reviewed papers contained in this volume represent more than 75% of the research published on L P C V D tungsten in the last five years. The book thus represents a valuable cont r i b u t i o n to the literature on materials research for integrated circuits, and serves as an important reference book for members of the Society and others involved in materials research in the s e m i c o n d u c t o r industry. The book, Tungsten and Other Refractory Metals for VLSI Applications, can be ordered from MRS at the following prices: Until A p r i l 30, 1986: MRS members—$29 U.S. nonmembers—$34 Foreign nonmembers—$40 A f t e r A p r i l 30, 1986: M R S members—$34 U.S. nonmembers—$39 Foreign nonmembers—$45 O r d e r f r o m Publications Department, M a t e r i a l s Research Society, 9800 M c K n i g h t Road, Suite 327, Pittsburgh, PA 15237; telephone (412) 367-3012. iMlRlsl
1986 Von Hippel Award Nominations Sought The Society's Most Prestigious Honor The Awards C o m m i t t e e of MRS, chaired by Past President Elton K a u f m a n n , has announced that nominations are being ac-. cepted for the Society's highest award, the V o n Hippel A w a r d of the Materials Research Society. The A w a r d is an international hallmark of excellence in the field of materials research, number
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