1998 MRS Fall Meeting Presents Broad Spectrum of Current Materials Research

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1998 MRS Fall Meeting Presents Broad Spectrum of Current Materials Research The multidisciplinary nature of the 43 symposia as well as clusteri n g of s y m p o s i a into broad categories proved to be a success at the 1998 M a t e r i a l s Research S o c i e t y Fall Meeting held i n Boston from N o v e m b e r 2 9 - D e c e m b e r 4. T h e Meeting spread across the Boston Marriott, the Westin Hotel, both at Copley Place, and the Sheraton Boston Hotel, chaired by Clyde Briant ( B r o w n U n i v e r s i t y ) , Eric Chason (Brown University), H o w a r d Katz (Lucent T e c h n o l o gies), and Yuh Shiohara (ISTEC). It s e t a n e w a t t e n d a n c e r e c o r d of 4,580 w i t h 3,866 papers presented i n b o t h oral and poster s e s s i o n s . The Meeting included Nobel Laureate Richard E. Smalley (Rice University) giving the plenary talk relating to Buckytubes, U.S. Repres e n t a t i v e V e r n o n Ehlers a n d the D i r e c t o r of t h e U . S . N a t i o n a l Science Foundation Rita Colwell at t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i o n of M a terials Research Societies Forum on international collaboration regardi n g materials research, and several N A S A astronauts and representat i v e s of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l S p a c e Station. It was also clear from this m e e t i n g that materials research is making significant forays into nontraditional materials research areas i n c l u d i n g m e d i c a l materials a n d biomaterials. This w a s self-evident from Larry L. Hench's V o n Hippel address on Bioglass™.


Plenary, Award Talks, and Symposium X Presentations for the Nonspecialist

Both the plenary Speaker Nobel Laureate Richard E. Smalley of Rice University and the Von Hippel Award recipient Larry L. Hench of the Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Mediane in London cast their presentations with an outlook for the importance of materials in the next millennium. Smalley, in his talked entitled, "Buckytubes: New Materials and New Devices from Carbon," said that the population is growing at a significant pace and it is important to make sure that the lives of everyone are improved to an equivalent high Standard. He asserted that carbon materials may hold the key to this. Indicating that a nanotube is simply a g r a p h e n e sheet w r a p p e d a r o u n d , he described the s t r u c t u r e as very high strength along its plane and wrapped to form n a n o t u b e s which enhances the strength and versatility of the material. He showed various ways in which these buckytubes can be modified. Future applications include continuous fullerene fibers and cables, oriented fullerene fiber membranes, and random fullerene fiber tangles. Electronic applications u s i n g fullerenes are a major future possibility. Hench, in his talk entitled, "Medical Materials for the Next Millennium," highlighted Bioglass™, a material that he invented. Hench also referred to long life expectancies over the next Century, and emphasized the need for artificial prosthetic implants. He said that these parts