Acknowledgement to Referees

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Acknowledgement to Referees

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Dear Reader, As we reach the final issue of Targeted Oncology for 2019, we wish to reflect on another successful year’s achievements, and to thank all those who have contributed their time and effort to guarantee the high quality of our content. Over 70 articles have been published; the most popular of these, in terms of downloads from SpringerLink, have been: • Maximilian J. Hochmair et al. Liquid-Biopsy-Based Identification of EGFR T790M Mutation-Mediated Resistance to

Afatinib Treatment in Patients with Advanced EGFR Mutation-Positive NSCLC, and Subsequent Response to Osimertinib

• Michael Moran et al. Sunit​inib for Metas​tatic​Renal​Cell Carci​noma: A Syste​matic​Revie​w and Meta-Analy​sis of Real-

World​and Clini​cal Trial​s Data

• Sarah Sammons et al. Fulve​stran​t-Based​ Combi​natio​n Thera​py for Secon​d-Line Treat​ment of Hormo​ne Recep​tor-Posit​

ive Advan​ced Breas​t Cance​r

• Chang Liu et al. Crizotinib in Chinese Patients with ROS1-Rearranged Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Routine

Clinical Practice

• Neal Shore et al. Evalu​ation​ of Clini​cally​ Relev​ant Drug–Drug Inter​actio​ns and Popul​ation​ Pharm​acoki​netic​s of Darol​ • • • • •

utami​de in Patie​nts with Nonme​tasta​tic Castr​ation​-Resis​tant Prost​ate Cance​r: Resul​ts of Pre-Speci​fied and Post Hoc Analy​ses of the Phase​III ARAMI​S Trial​ Anna Buder et al. EGFR Mutations in Cell-free Plasma DNA from Patients with Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma: Improved Detection by Droplet Digital PCR Maja J. A. de Jonge et al. Phase​I Study​of BI 85352​0, an Inhib​itor of Focal​Adhes​ion Kinas​e, in Patie​nts with Advan​ced or Metas​tatic​ Nonhe​matol​ogic Malig​nanci​es Xiaonan Hong et al. Prala​trexa​te in Chine​se Patie​nts with Relap​sed or Refra​ctory​Perip​heral​T cell Lymph​oma: A Singl​ e-arm, Multi​cente​r Study​ Toshihiko Doi et al. Phase​I Study​of the Focal​Adhes​ion Kinas​e Inhib​itor BI 85352​0 in Japan​ese and Taiwa​nese Patie​ nts with Advan​ced or Metas​tatic​Solid​Tumor​s Y. Louise Wan et al. Combi​natio​n Treat​ment with an Antib​ody–Drug Conju​gate (A1mcM​MAF) Targe​ting the Oncof​etal Glyco​prote​in 5T4 and Carbo​plati​n Impro​ves Survi​val in a Xenog​raft Model​of Ovari​an Cance​r

In the year from October 2018 to September 2019, articles from the journal were downloaded more than 83,000 times in total. The quality of articles published in the journal is also reflected in its most recent impact factor (3.683). Targeted Oncology is currently ranked 80th in the ‘Oncology’ category (of 230 journals). We thank the authors who have contributed articles to Targeted Oncology over the course of 2019. The skill and dedication of all authors are critical to the continued publication of the journal. The quality of published articles is also testament to the significant efforts of the peer reviewers, whose commitment ensures that the journal’s content is held to the highest possible standard. We would like to thank the following ind