Behavioral Approaches for Children and Adolescents Challenges for th

Challenges for the next decade as the subtitle ofa book is a statement ofambition. In the present time we have to be ambitious as scientists, clinicians, and teachers. Without ambition we would not be able to confront the problems of young people in an ef

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Behavioral Approaches for Children and Adolescents Challenges for the Next Century Edited by

Henck P. J. G. van Bilsen Pedologisch Institut Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Philip C. Kendall Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvan ia


Jan H. Slavenburg Pedologisch Institut Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Library of Con gr ess Ca ta loging-i n-Publica tio n Dat a On file

Proceed ings o f an Intern at ion al Co nfe re nce on Cogn iti ve Beh a vior Th er ap ies and Appl ied Beh a vior Ana lys is wi th Chi ldren a nd Adul ts: Chall enges for the Next Ce ntu ry, held July 3- 5, 199 5, in Rott erd am, Th e Netherl and s

ISBN 1-4757-9408-3 ISBN 978-1-4757-9406-9 978-1-4757-940 6-9 (eBook) (eBook) ISBN 978978-1-4757-9408-3 ISBN DOl 10.1007/978-1-4757-9406-9 10.1007/978-1-4757-9406 -9 DOI © 1995 Springer Science+ Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1995. Soficover reprin t of the hardcover Ist edition 1995

All right s reserved 10 9 8 7 6543 21 No part of this book may be repr odu ced , sto red in a ret rieval system, or transmitt ed in an y form or by any means. elec tronic, mechan ical, photocopyin g, microfilming, recording, or otherw ise, wit hout writte n permi ssion from the Publisher


Challenges for the next decade as the subtitle of a book is a statement of ambition . In the present time we hav e to be ambitious as sc ientists, clinicians, and teachers . With out ambition we would not be able to confront the problems of yo ung people in an effective way. In this decade, we can see an abundance of problems of young people : football hooliganism , school drop out , vandalism, delinquency, lack of social skills , aggression , and depression. The problem see ms to grow. Governments, parents, and concerned citi zen s call for action now . Unfortunately, the action that is taken is often impulsive and not based on scientificall y proven methods: longer jail sentence s for yo ung first offenders, putting young offenders in military look-alike training camps, etc . For some reason , the usage of effective interventions is limited. In thi s, book the reader will find an extensive ov erview of wh at we know to be effective as a " cure " or prevention for the above-mentioned problems. The first four chapters will give the read er a clear insight of wh at the "s tate of the art" is today. An integrative ov erview of cognitive behavioural therapies with children and adolescents is given by Kendall, Panichelli-Mindel, and Gerow. Russo and Navalta provide some new dimensions of behavior analysis and the rapy . What behavioral approaches can offer to education is described by Slavenburg and van Bilsen in two chapters. In Part II authors from Australia, the United States, and the Netherlands de sc ribe programs for spe cific clinical populations: attention deficit disorder, anti-soci al youth , learning probl em s, social skills problems, depression, and aggression. In Part III the problem of unwilling and unmotivated cli ents is discussed . Wh