Candidates Sought for Graduate Student Awards at 1988 MRS Spring Meeting

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• Effects of the Band Offset on Interfacial • The D e t e r m i n a t i o n of H a r d n e s s a n d Deep Levels, by R.P. Beres, R.E. Allen, Adhesion of Sputter-Deposited Aluminum and J.D. Dow. on Silicon by Utilizing a Continuous Inden• Magnetic Hardening Mechanism in Sin- tation Test, by D. Stone, W. LaFontaine, P. With the January/February 1988 issue tered R-Fe-B Permanent Magnets, by M. Alexopoulos, T-W. Wu, and C-Y. Li. • The Structure of Thin Films Sputtercurrently in production, Journal of Materials Sagawa and S. Hirosawa. Research enters its third year of publication. • Molybdenum Effect on Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy D e p o s i t e d from a Ba 2 Si 2 Ti0 8 C e r a m i c This first issue of Volume 3 continues to Elastic Constants, by H.M. Ledbetter and Target, by H. Yamauchi, R.J. White, M. A y u k a w a , T.C. Murray, and J.W. offer new insights into the diverse field of S.A. Kim. materials research, presenting approxi- • Nucleation of a N e w Phase from the Robinson. 60 63 mately 20 articles in 200 pages. Topics fea- Interaction of Two Adjacent Phases: Some • Tracer Diffusion of Co a n d Ni in Silicides, by F.M. d'Heurle. Amorphous NiZr Alloy, by K. Hoshino, tured in the January/February issue include intermetallic alloys, thin films, intercala- • On the Nature of the Quasicrystalline R.S. Averback, H. Hahn, and S.J. RothPhases Obtained in Alloys of Al 86 Mn 14 man. tion, and ceramics. journal of Materials Research offers rapid During its first two years of publication, U n d e r Slow Solidification Rates, by J. journal of Materials Research continually Reyes-Gasga, J.G. Perez-Ramirez, and R. publication and wide distribution of original materials research articles. For informaincreased topical coverage, readership, Perez. + and international contributions. Surpass- • Oxygen Diffusion in La 2 .iSrjCu0 4 . y , by tion on article submission requirements for ing Volume 1 in both published pages and J.L. Routbort, S.J. Rothman, B.K. Flander- Journal of Materials Research, contact Linda Krysinski, Editorial Office Supervisor, n u m b e r of articles, Volume 2 reached meyer, L.J. Nowicki, and J.E. Baker. nearly 1,000 pages with almost 120 articles, • Rapid Crystallization of Thin Solid Films, Journal of Materials Research, Materials Research Society, 9800 McKnight Road, rapid communications, reviews, and com- by C.J. van der Poel. mentaries dealing with leading-edge origi- • Rapidly Solidified Al 3 Ti-Base Alloys Suite 327, Pittsburgh, PA 15237; telephone nal materials research. Volume 3 promises Containing Ni, by S.C. Huang, E.L. Hall, (412) 367-9111. To s u b s c r i b e to Journal of Materials further expansion in breadth and depth of and M.F.X. Gigliotti. topics covered, as well as increased distri- • Reactions Between Palladium and Gal- Research, contact M a r k e t i n g Services, lium Arsenide: Bulk vs. Thin Film Studies, American Institute of Physics, 335 East bution and more high-quality articles. by J-C. Lin, K-C. Hsieh, K.J. Schulz, and 45th Street, New York, NY 10017; teleThe following is a partial list of pape