Chromosomes in Mitosis and Interphase

The progress in Micromorphology and Biochemistry of the last decades has led to a rather far reaching understanding of the function of the genes. Much is also known about their morphological organization within the cell, particularly their reduplication a

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1. Band

Die lebendige Masse 3. Teil

Hans Georg Schwarzacher

Chromosomes in Mitosis and Interphase

With 116 Figures

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1976

Professor Dr. Drs. h. c. Wolfgang Bargmann Anatomisches Institut der Universitat, 2300 Kiel, Neue Universitat

Professor Dr. Hans Georg Schwarzacher Histologisch-Embryologisches Institut der Universitat, A-I090 Wien

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised), Main entry under title: Handbuch der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen, beaTh. ( ) Begriindet von Wilhelm v. M611endorff: fortgefiihrt von Wolfgang Bargmann. Vol. 5, pt. 4 has title: Verdauungsapparat, Atmungsapparat. Vol. 6, pt. 6 has title: BlutgeHiB- und LymphgefaBapparat, innersekretorische Drusen. Includes bibliographies. Contents: 1. Bd. Die lebendige Masse. T. 1 - 2. Bd. Die Gewebe. T. 1 - 3. Bd. Haut und Sinnesorgane. T. I - 4. Bd. Nervensystem. T. I - 5. Bd. Verdauungsapparat. T. I - 6. Bd. BlutgefaB- und LymphgefaBapparat. T. I - 7. Bd. Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat. T. I - 1. Histology. I. M611endorff, Wilhelm Hermann Wichard von, 1887 (ed.) II. Bargmann, Wolfgang, 1906 (ed.) [ONLM: 1. Histology. 2. Chromosomes- Ultrastructure. QS504 H236 Bd. I] QM551.HI5 611 .018. 55-37658. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1976

Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1976 ISBN-l3: 978-3-642-85912-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-85910-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-85910-6


My thanks are due to Dr. RENATE CZAKER and Doz. Dr. WOLFGANG SCHNEDL for valuable discussions and their help in many respes;ts, especially in preparing some of the figures. The drawings stem from the ski;Uful hand of Dr. WALTER HEIRS, to whom I am particularly grateful. Many cblleagues were so kind as to give the permission to reproduce figures from their publications or to furnish me with original photographs. They are acknowledged individually in the text to the figures, as well as the publishers. I am very grateful to Dr. PATRICIA FISCHER for her help in preparing the english manuscript. For technical assistance in making many new preparations for this monograph I want to thank Mrs. ANNA BROM; Mr. ~ HANS-DIETER SCHERMANN, Mr. MIRZEA GURUIANU, ana' Mf.' RUDOLF FIEDLER. Finally, I should like to express my sincerest thanks to Mrs. RICARDA WINTER for her excellent help in secretarial and bibliographical work. The original investigations reported in this monograph for the first time were supported by grant No. 2514 of the" Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen F orschung in Osterreich".






Nomenclature and General Morphology of Chromosomes



Chromosome Morphology during Mitotic Phases 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. The Mitotic Phases . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Changes of Chromosome Morphology during Mitosis 4. Differential Contractions of Chromosomes .

8 8 8 9 13


The Human Karyotype . . . 1. Introduction . . . . . . 2. Simple Staining Methods 3. Special Staining Methods 4. Individual Variations . .

16 16