Corruption The New Corporate Challenge
The dangers of involvement in corruption need to be embedded in corporate strategy. Companies' response to these dangers must also be reflected in their practices, particularly if operating outside its own borders. This book guides managers through t
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CORRUPTION The New Corporate Challenge
Nick Kochan and Robin Goodyear
© Nick Kochan and Robin Goodyear 2011
Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 2011 978-0-230-29843-9
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This book is dedicated to Miriam Kochan, materfamilias
List of figures and table Preface: a time to act on corruption Acknowledgments Foreword from Richard Alderman, Director, UK Serious Fraud Office
Introduction: Corruption and bribery: the global context
Civil society's campaign against corruption Recognition by government: domestic responses with international implications Transnational initiatives Business attitudes to bribery The Prisoner's Dilemma: If we don't pay bribes our competitors will Cultural attitudes to bribery: it's just how things are done A bad reputation
Part 1: Threats 1
xi xiii xvii xviii
6 7 11 13 14 15
The threats: Economic, social, and political effects of corruption and bribery The economic effects of corruption: bribery and business The political effects of bribery and corruption The impact of bribery on society
19 20 21 23
Part II: Law
The global legal context The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: the United States leads the way Examples of FCPA