Depositional Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Deep-Water Canyon Systems along the Northern South China Sea Ma
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Depoositionaal Charracteristtics and d Formaation M Mechan nisms off Deep-W Water Canyon C n System ms along th he Northern Soouth Ch hina Seaa Marggin H Chen Hui
1, 2
, Xinong Xiie *3, Kainaan Mao4, Yu unlong He3, Ming M Su1, Wenyan Zhang5
1 School of Maarine Sciences, Sun 1. S Yat-sen Un niversity, Zhuhaai 519082, Chinna 2. Southeern Marine Scieence and Engineering Guangd dong Laboratoryy, Zhuhai 519082, China 3. Huubei Key Laboraatory of Marinee Geological Reesources, China a University of Geosciences, W Wuhan 430074, China 4. Scchool of Resourrces and Enviroonmental Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Teechnology, Guiy iyang 550003, China C 5. Institutte of Coastal Reesearch, Helmhholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, G Geeesthacht 21502,, Germany Hui Chen: h g/0000-0003-48834-5684; Xinong X Xie: httpps:// AB BSTRACT: Su ubmarine canyyon systems are a sites for co oarser clastic sediment s accu umulations in the deeep-water domains, having th he most potenttial for hydrocarbon reservoirs. Based on tthe interpretattion of high resoluttion 2D/3D seeismic and drilling data, depositional characteristicss of three la arge deeep-water canyyon systems on n the South Ch hina Sea northern margin haave been analyyzed. The Centtral Caanyon System has a deep in ncision geomorrphology exten nding from east to west, feaatured by distiinct canyon segmentations, multi-p provenance sed diment suppliees and multi-sstage canyon fi fillings. The Peearl Riiver Canyon Syystemâs formattion is closely related r to the development d o Pearl River D of Delta. Its vertiical staacking and miigrating canyoon patterns haave changed ov ver time. The depositional aarchitectures and a evolution of thee recent Pengh hu-Gaoping Canyon C System m respond to tectonic moveements along the Taaiwan-Luzon convergent con ntinental marggin. The main controlling facctors of the forrmation and evoe luttion of these th hree canyon syystems includee the tectonic setting, s sedimeent supply, sea level change and a paaleo-geomorphology, among which the form mer two are dominant. d The Penghu-Gaop ping Canyon SysS tem m formed alon ng the subducttion structurall zone, directly y indicating a typical tectoniic origin. Num merou us seismic dataa show that thee Central Canyyon and Pearl River Canyon n systems are oobviously affeccted byy tectonics, assoociated local toopography and d sediment sup pply. KE EY WORDS: deep-water d can nyon system, turbidite t chann nel, deep-wateer reservoir, noorthern margin n of Soouth China Seaa. 0
INTRODU UCTION Canyons are elongatedd, narrow (a feew kilometres)) and deep (frequenntly more than 100 m) negative submarine topot graphy, appeaaring near activve and passive continental maargins as well as islaand arcs. Harriss and Whitewayy (2011) counteed as many as 5 8449 large subm marine canyonss along the preesent global continental margins. Submarine canyon systemss are widely develooped on shelvess, slopes and abbyssal plains, as a the main conduitss for sediment transpor
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