Differentiating Mobile Learning Frameworks

This chapter examines a range of theoretical frameworks and models that have been developed to understand and underpin the adoption and application of mobile technologies in educational contexts. Many of these predate the widespread adoption and use of mo

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Theorising and Implementing Mobile Learning Using the iPAC Framework to Inform Research and Teaching Practice

Theorising and Implementing Mobile Learning

Matthew Kearney Kevin Burden Sandy Schuck •

Theorising and Implementing Mobile Learning Using the iPAC Framework to Inform Research and Teaching Practice


Matthew Kearney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Technology Sydney Broadway, NSW, Australia

Kevin Burden Faculty of Arts, Culture and Education University of Hull Yorkshire, UK

Sandy Schuck Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Technology Sydney Broadway, NSW, Australia

ISBN 978-981-15-8276-9 ISBN 978-981-15-8277-6 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8277-6


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How can mobile learning enhance our diverse students’ learning experiences? And how do we prepare teachers for their technology-rich students? The simplicity of these questions belies the complexity of the answers and the many adaptations that will be required of educators and other stakeholders, including learners and their families. Given the ubiquity of mobile devices and their rapid deployment to address current issues, this scholarly text is timely. For example, what types of online learning are evolving during the coronavirus pandemic and how can m-learning be exploited, mediated and enhanced by the iPAC Framework? This book provides well-researched and theorised illustrations of how m-learning pedagogies can expand the learning experiences of school students and future teachers. The behaviour of teachers is pivotal as the central ‘keystone species’ i