EU companies increased R&D investment in 2019

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o the US government actions in support of quantum potential use of information science (QIS) quantum simulation to accelerate 2016 • NSF: 10 Big Ideas includes the “Quantum Leap” understanding and discovery 2018 • National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act (Publ. L.115-368) of materials and See MRS Bulletin, March 2019. says, “QIS and materials are pro2019 • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and foundly related.” Medicine: Materials Research decadal study includes “This is a very QIS focus. See MRS Bulletin, May 2019. exciting time for • NSF: Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) program quantum information science,” says Fu because “A collection of individual investinot only has the US government recoggators could never have the sustained, nized the importance of QIS, but it is also cross-disciplinary, holistic effort needed” the “first time we are seeing a really sigto address the sizable challenges in both nificant investment into quantum techaccelerating QIS advancements and nologies from industry.” The institute developing the quantum information scistructure that is part of the QLCI proentists and engineers of the future, Kono gram will help further encourage indussays. But Kono, Fu, and a host of other try investment and participation because researchers are already utilizing the QLCI it creates an environment where multiprogram to convene the teams and build disciplinary teams from academia, govthe environment necessary to push the ernment, and the private sector will need frontiers of QIS. to come together to focus on large-scale Jennifer A. Nekuda Malik challenges.

EU companies increased R&D investment in 2019


ompanies in the EU have increased their investment in R&D for the ninth consecutive year, but levels remain below the global growth rate. In the 2018–2019 time frame, EU companies invested 4.7% more in R&D. This growth is driven by the automobile, health, and information and communication technology (ICT) sectors. In the face of an ever-increasing global technological race, the top 2500 industrial players worldwide increased their R&D investment by 8.9% in 2018–2019. EU companies account for 17 of the top 50 corporate R&D investors. The growth in investment by EU-based companies is, however, outpaced by their US and Chinese counterparts: the former increased their R&D investment in that time frame by 10.3%, the latter by 26.7%.

These are some of the main findings of the 2019 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (doi:10.2760/04570), published by the European Commission in December of last year. It provides an annual in-depth analysis of the most recent investment trends of the worlds’ leading industrial R&D players contributing to understanding the positioning of the EU companies in the global landscape. Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth, says, “Companies based in the EU keep increasing their R&D investments, but much more is needed in the global race for technological leadership in deep-tech and sustainability. We will launch a