Graduate Student Award Winners Honored at Fall Meeting

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Paul Siffert Receives Woody Award The Woody Award has evolved as an informai yet prized récognition of outstanding volunteer service to MRS. Its name dérives from the heroic accomplishments achieved by C.W. ("Woody") White during his presidency of MRS in 1984. Generally presented at a Council dinner, the award has corne to symbolize the récognition of services, above and beyond ail normal expectations, which hâve made a major contribution to the success of the Materials Research Society. During the awards cérémonies at the 1989 Fall Meeting in Boston, MRS Councillor Elton N. Kaufmann announced this year's décision to départ somewhat from recognizing service strictly to MRS per se. In récognition of extraordinary leadership in the founding and nurturing of the European Materials Research Society, Kaufmann presented the 1989 Woody Award to Paul Siffert of the Centre de Recherches Nucléaires, Strasbourg, France: 'This evening we honor an individual who has played the major rôle in conceiving of, and then implementing, the first MRS-style organization outside the United States.

From one symposium in 1983 run by an ad hoc society called MRS-E, he guided it to a fully and formally established society with two multitopical interdisciplinary meetings per year as well as spécial workshops, proceedings, and an expanding membership roster. This society, now called E-MRS for European Materials Research Society, covers ail of Western Europe." John Baglin, chair of the MRS Awards Committee, crédits Siffert's enthusiastic guidance as the reason E-MRS has, in a few short years, emerged as a vital force in the international materials community. "Its technical meetings hâve grown; its involvement in materials policy issues in Europe has become significant; its members are enthusiastic, and they share many interests, ambitions and concerns with their MRS counterparts," said Baglin. "Paul's tireless efforts in propelling E-MRS to its présent position of success, as its founding président, exemplify the kind of service for which the Woody Award was created—a selfless dedication to the advancement of materials research."

Paul Siffert (left) receives the Woody Award from 1989 MRS Président Bob Chang.

Graduate Student Award Winners Honored at Fall Meeting MRS honored 13 Graduate Student Award winners at the 1989 MRS Fall Meeting. Starting with this meeting a new procédure was launched for selecting the winners. From the many applications received, 25 finalists were chosen before the meeting. At the meeting each finalist was required to give a 10-minute présentation on his/her symposium paper at one of five simultaneous student award sessions. The spécial sessions were held at noon during the second day of the meeting and were open to ail meeting attendees. Three judges participated in each award session and gave their recommendations to the MRS Awards Committee. Overall the judges were very impressed with the quality of the student présentations. Each winner received a plaque and a $250 travel grant. AU 25 finalists received a waiver o