Hedley Bull and the Accommodation of Power

Offering a comprehensive account of the work of Hedley Bull, Ayson analyses the breadth of Bull's work as a Foreign Office official for Harold Wilson's government, the complexity of his views, including Bull's unpublished papers, and challenges some of th

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tles include: Pami Aalto, Vilho Harle and Sami Moisio (editors) INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Interdisciplinary Approaches Robert Ayson HEDLEY BULL AND THE ACCOMMODATION OF POWER Toni Erskine and Richard Ned Lebow (editors) TRAGEDY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Oliver Kessler, Rodney Bruce Hall, Cecelia Lynch and Nicholas G. Onuf (editors) ON RULES, POLITICS AND KNOWLEDGE Friedrich Kratochwil, International Relations, and Domestic Affairs Pierre P. Lizee A WHOLE NEW WORLD Reinventing International Studies for the Post-Western World Hans Morgenthau, Hartmut Behr and Felix Rösch THE CONCEPT OF THE POLITICAL Cornelia Navari (editor) THEORISING INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY English School Methods Robbie Shilliam GERMAN THOUGHT AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Rise and Fall of a Liberal Project Daniela Tepe THE MYTH ABOUT GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY Domestic Politics to Ban Landmines Daniel C. Thomas (editor) MAKING EU FOREIGN POLICY National Preferences, European Norms and Common Policies Palgrave Studies In International Relations Series Series Standing Order ISBN 978–0230–20063–0 (hardback) 978–0230–24115–2 (paperback) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and the ISBN quoted above. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, England

Hedley Bull Photo Courtesy of the Department of International Relations, Australian National University.

Hedley Bull and the Accommodation of Power Robert Ayson Professor of Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

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