The knee is a common site for infections (Dirschl and Kinders 1993 ). It is also a common site for trauma, arthropathies, haemarthrosis, infarcts and degenerative disease. Moreover the knee is the commonest site for bone and some soft tissue malignancies
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Diagnostic Imaging Softcover Edition Editors: A. 1. Baert, Leuven K. Sartor, Heidelberg
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
A.M. Davies, Y.N. Cassar-Pullicino (Eds.)
Imaging ofthe Knee Techniques and Applications With Contributions by M. E. Abd El Bagi· M. S. Al Shahed . J. Beltran . T. H. Berquist . S. Bianchi . T. Boegard V. N. Cassar-Pullidno . S. Chapman . A. M. Davies . A. A. De Smet . N. Egund . J. F Garda H. K. Genant . A. Guermazi . C. Heron . A. Hine· C. P. Ho . K. Johnson . K. Jonsson J. A. Lynch . C. Martinoli . C. G. Peterfy· S. N. J. Roberts . L. Ryd . B. M. Sammak S. Shankman· P. N. M. Tyrrell· D. Vanel· C. Wakeley· I. Watt· R. W. Whitehouse· S. Zăim Foreword by
A.L.Baert With 345 Figures in 624 Separate Illustrations, Some in Color
A. M. DAVIES. MD Consultant Radiologist MRI Centre Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Bristol Road Birmingham, B31 2AP
V. CASSAR-PULLICINO, MD Consultant Radiologist Department of Radiology Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital Oswestry Shropshire, SYIO 7AG
MEDICAL RADIOLOGY . Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology Series Editors: A. 1. Baert . L. W. Brady . H.-P. Heilmann . F. MolIs ' K. Sartor Continuation of Handbuch der medizinischen Radiologie Encydopedia of Medical Radiology ISBN 978-3-540-00250-5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicalion Dala Jmaging of the knee: Itdtniques and applications / A. M. Davin, V. N. Cassar·PuIlidno (eds.) ; with oonlributions by L Beltran; foreword by A. L Baert. p.; em. - (Medical radiology) Includes bibliographical rtferences and index. ISBN 978-]-540-0025()"5 ISBN 978-]-642-55912-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55912-9 1. Knee __ Jmaging. 2. Diagnostic imaging. 3. Knee-Disea~s--Diagnosis. 1. Davies. A M. (Arthur Mark), 1954- TI. Gassar-Pullicino, V. N. (Victor N.), 1954- ITI. Behran, Javier. IV. Se rie •. [DNLM: 1. Knee-·anatomy & histology. 2. Diagnostic Imaging-mdhods. 3. Kn ee Injurin--diagnosis. WN 870 131 2002J RC95].J4(i 2002 617.5'820754 --dcl l 2001049635 This work is subiect 10 copyright AU righu are reserved, whdhu the whole or part of the material is concerned, sp«ifically the rights of translation, reprinling, reu~ of ilIustralions, recitalions, broadtuting, rtproduclion on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law nf SeplemNr 9, 1965, in its current ~rsion,and permission for u~ must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violalions are liable fo r proseculion under the German Copyright Law.
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