Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution

The purpose of this study is in keeping with the shift in concern over the eco­ nomic problems of growth to those of income distribution in recent years. Income distribution problems may be analyzed by not only the traditional procedures, but also by some

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Vol. 30: H. Noltemeier. Sensltlvltatsanalyse bel diskreten Iinearen

The one und Praxie de r Entscheidung bei Unsicherhelt. 2. Auflage.

Optlmierungsproblemen. VI, 102 Seilen, 1970.

IV . 125 Selten. 1969.

Vol. 31 M . Kuhlmeyer. Die nichtzentrale t,Verteliung . II. 1 06 ten. 1970.

Vol 2 U. N. Bhat A Study of the Queueing Systems M/G/1 and GI/MI1 VIII 78 pages. 1968. Vol. 3

A Sirauss An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory.

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Vol. 4. Branch and Bo und : bne F infUhrung. 2 .. geanderte Auf lage. Herausgegeben von F. Weinberg. VII. 174 Selten. 1973 . Vol. 5' L P_ Hyvarinen. Informati orl Theory for Systems Eng ineers VII, 205 pag es. 1968.

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Muller, E.

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Elnfuhrung skursus ,n

die dynamlsche Programmierung. IV, 103 Selten. 1968.

Vol. 7 W . Popp, Elnfuhrung In die Theone der Lagerhaltung . VI. 173 Seiten. 1968. Vol. 8 ' J T eghem, J Loris' T eghem . J P. Lambotte. Modele , d'Attente MIG/ I et GI/MI1 a Arrlvees et Services en Groupes. III, 53 pages. 1969.

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Vol. 10: D. Hoc hstad ter Stochastis che Lagerhaltung smodelle. VI. 269 Seilen. 1969.

Vol. 40 ' H . Drygas. The Coordinate'Free Approach to Markov Estl matlOn. VIII. 113 pages 1970,

Vol. 11 / 12: Mathematical Systems Th eory and Economics. Ed ited by H. W Kuhn and G. P Szegb. VIII, III. 486 pages. 1969

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Optimizat ion Problems. V, 191 pages.


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