Introduction to the Special Issue on Courting Controversy: Socioscientific Issues and School Science and Technology
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Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Courting Controversy: Socioscientific Issues and School Science and Technology/Introduction au numéro spécial sur rechercher la controverse: les questions socio-scientifiques dans les cours de sciences et de technologie à l'école a
Virginie Albe & Erminia Pedretti a
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan , Cachan , France
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario , Canada Published online: 07 Dec 2013.
To cite this article: Virginie Albe & Erminia Pedretti (2013) Introduction to the Special Issue on Courting Controversy: Socioscientific Issues and School Science and Technology/Introduction au numéro spécial sur rechercher la controverse: les questions socio-scientifiques dans les cours de sciences et de technologie à l'école, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 13:4, 303-312, DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2013.847219 To link to this article:
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CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, 13(4), 303–312, 2013 C OISE Copyright ISSN: 1492-6156 print / 1942-4051 online DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2013.847219
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Introduction to the Special Issue on Courting Controversy: Socioscientific Issues and School Science and Technology Introduction au num´ero sp´ecial sur rechercher la controverse: les questions socio-scientifiques dans les cours de sciences et de technologie a` l’´eco
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