Joseph Conrad: Betrayal and Identity
Through attention to incidents of betrayal and self-betrayal in his fiction, this book traces the development of Conrad's conception of identity through the three phases of his career: the self in isolation, the self in society and the sexualised self. It
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Also by Robert Hampson Joseph Conrad, Lord lim (editor with introduction and notes by
Cedric Watts)
Rudyard Kipling, Something 0/ Myself (editor with introduction
and notes by Richard Holmes)
Joseph Conrad, Victory (editor)
Joseph Conrad: Betrayal and Identity Robert Hampson
Lecturer III £"81#61. Royal Holloway a"d Bedford New College U,dversltvof Lo"do"
Robcrt Hampson 1992
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1992 A" righls rcscrvcd. No rcproduction. copy or Irans ll1 ission 0 1' Ihis publication Ill ay bc madc wilhoUI wriucn pcnnission. No paragraph of this publication l1> ay bc rcproduccd , copicd or Irans ll1 illed savc wilh wrillcn pCflnission or in accordancc wilh Ihc provisions of Ihc Copyrighl , Dcsigns and Palcnts ACI 1988 , or undcr thc tcrllls 0 1' any liccncc pcrmiuing limiled copying iSSllCd by Ihe Copyrighl Li ccnsing Agcncy , 90 TOllcnham COllrt Road , London W 1P 9HE. Any pcrson who docs any 11 l1l1l1 lhoriscd acl in rcllllion 10 Ihis pllblicalion may bc liablc 10 crirninal proscclllion and civil clairns for darnagcs. FirSI pllblishcd 1992 by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD HOllndlllills , Basingslokc. Harnpshire RG21 2XS and London COlllpanics and rcprcscnlalivcs througholll Ihc world A catalogllc rccord I'o r Ihis book is IIvllilnble from thc Brilish Lí br品 ry. ISBN 978-1-349-22304-6 ISBN 978-1-349-22302-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-22302-2 Transferred 10 digital printing 1998 021780
First publishcd in thc Uniled Slatcs of AlIl crica 1992 by Scholarly and Refcrcncc Division , S'I: MARTIN'S PRESS , INC. , 175 Fifth Avcnllc , Ncw York , N.Y. 100 \0 ISBN 978-0-312-07273-5 Li brary 0 1' Congrcss Cataloging-in-Pllblication Data
Ha ll1 pson , R. G. Joscph Conrad: bctrayal and idcntity/ Robcrt Hampson. Incllldcs indcx. ISBN 978-0-312-07273-5 I.Colll 圳, Joscph , 1857-192 4---Criticisrn and intcrprctalion. 1. Titlc pn6005.04Z74 187 1992 823'.912 dc20 91-37676 CIP
For Hans van Marie with respect and affection
Contents Acknowledgements
Introduction 1
Two Prototypes of Betrayal: Almayer's Folly
The Unshared Ideal of Self: An Outcast of the
The Real Existence of Passions: The Sisters and 'The Rescuer'
The Brotherhood of the Sea: The Nigger o/the 'Narcissus', 'Heart of Darkness' and Lord Jim
The Betrayal of Land-entanglements: Nostromo and The Secret Agent
Independence and Community: Under Western Eyes and 'The Secret Sharer'
The Wisdom of the Heart: Chance and Victory
Initiation and Invention: The Rover and The Arrow
of Gold
Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge my debt of gratitude to the late Patrick Yarker, who guided the early years of my research on Conrad, and to Leonee Ormond, who supervised the completion of my doctoral thesis. I would like to thank Lindsay Badenoch, Mary Nyquist and, in particular, Gerlinde Roder-Bolton, who commented on earlier stages of some of these chapters. I would also like to thank Chandra Ghosh, Hans van Marie, Sibani Raycha