Joycean Legacies

These twelve essays analyze the complex pleasures and problems of engaging with James Joyce for subsequent writers, discussing Joyce's textual, stylistic, formal, generic, and biographical influence on an intriguing selection of Irish, British, American,

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Joycean Legacies

10.1057/9781137503626 - Joycean Legacies, Edited by Martha C. Carpentier

Also by Martha C. Carpentier

The Major Novels of Susan Glaspell (University Press of Florida, 2001) Co-edited collections: Disclosing Intertextualities: The Stories, Plays, and Novels of Susan Glaspell (Rodopi, 2006) Her America: “A Jury of Her Peers” and Other Stories by Susan Glaspell (Iowa, 2010)

10.1057/9781137503626 - Joycean Legacies, Edited by Martha C. Carpentier

Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-05-20

Ritual, Myth, and the Modernist Text: The Influence of Jane Ellen Harrison on Joyce, Eliot, and Woolf (Gordon and Breach, 1998)

Edited by

Martha C. Carpentier Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA

10.1057/9781137503626 - Joycean Legacies, Edited by Martha C. Carpentier

Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-05-20

Joycean Legacies

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