Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods and Applications A State-

This mono graph is intended for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course as weIl as for the researchers who want a compilation of developments in this rapidly growing field of operations research. This is a sequel to our previous work entitled "Multip

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Economics and Mathematical Systems

(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems) For information about Vols. 1-29. please contact your bookseller or Springer-Verlag Vol. 30: H. Noltemeler, Sens1tlvltatsanalyse bel diskreten linearen Optimierungsproblemen VI. 102 Seilen 1970

VoL 58 P. B. Hagelschuer. TheOrie der linearen Dekomposition. VII. 191 Selten 1971

Vol 31. M Kühlmeyer. Die nichtzentrale t·Verteilung 11. 106 Sei' ten. 1970

Vol. 59 1971

Vol. 32 F. Bartholomes und G Hotl, HOTTlomorphlsmen und Reduktionen linearer Sprachen. XII. 143 Sel!en. 1970. DM 18.VoL 33: K. Hmderer, Foundatlons of Non-stationary Dynamlc Pro· gramming wlth Discrete Time Parameter. VI, 160 pages 1970 Vol. 34. H. Störmer, Semt-Markoff-Prozesse mit endlich vielen Zuständen. Theorie und Anwendungen. VII. 128 Selten 1970

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Open Economles. V. 128 pages

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Vol.36 M J. P Magili. On a General Economlc Theory of Motion VI. 95 pages. 1970

Vol. 63 J Kohlas. Monte Carlo Simulation Im Operations Research. VI. 162 Selten 1972

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Computer Systems AnalysIs

Val. 66: F. Bauer. P. Garabedtan and 0 Korn. Supercntlcal Wing Sectlons. V. 211 pages. 1972 Vol. 67' I. V. Glrsanov. Lectures on Mathematical Theory of Extremum Problems. V. 136 pages. 1972

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