Neurocutaneous Syndromes and Associated CNS Tumors

In the Greek language, phakos means spot, mole, or lentil, and “phakomatosis” suggests the presence of a congenital lesion or birthmark (Berg 1991). This term was applied historically to a group of genetic disorders that are defined by involvement of the

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Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH


__________________~ III

Nalin Gupta Anuradha Banerjee Daphne Haas-Kogan (Editors)

Pediatric CNSTumors

With 153 Figures and 33 Tables



ISBN 978-3-642-05554-6


Nalin Gupta, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery Depart ments of Neurological Surgery and Pediatrics University of California, San Fra ncisco Anuradha Banerjee, MD, MP H

Assistant Professor Division of Neuro -Oncology Depa rtments of Neurological Surgery a nd Pediatrics University of Californ ia, San Francisco Daphne Haas-Kogan , MD

Associate Professor Department of Radiation Oncology University of Califo rn ia, San Francisco

Library of COllgr~ss CJtaioging-in.Publical ion nata Pediatric eNS tumorsfN.Gupta, A. lIan('r}N" D. Haas-Kogan (cds.) p. ; em. Includes hibliogr"phical refnenccs and index. ISBN 978-3-642-05554-6 ISBN 978-3-662-09227-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-09227-9

t. Central nervous

system ~

Tumors. 2. Tu mors in children. L rille: Tille on con tents p.: Cen-

tral nervous system tumors in children. II. Gupta, N. (N"lin), \964- III. Banerjee. A. (Anuradha), \9M- IV. Haas . Kog~n, D. (Daphne), 1964- [DNLM: I. Central Ncn'ous Systl'lll Neo plasms-Child. WL 3581'370310041 RC280.N43P371004 618. 91'9918-dc.21 This work is subject to wpyright. All rights art;' reserved, whether the whole or J>~rt of Ihe material is conce rned, specifkall y the Tights of translation. repri nti ng, reuse of iIlust r.It ions, reci ta tio n, broadcasting, ,,-pwdu,tion on microtilm or in any "ther "''"Y, ,,,,d storage in .]ct i"e laws and regu lations ami thcrdor(> fret;' for generalllSI!. Product liability: Thl! p"bJishC"rs c~nnot g\J~rant('(' thl! accu racy of any information about dos"ge "nd applica tion contained in this book. In every individual case the user must (hc(k such information by consulting thl> rckv,mt litcr:lturc. Cover design: E. Kirch ner, Heidelberg I'roduCl rnanagcnwnt ami layout: It Wieland, HC"iddbc rg Reproduction and typesetting: AM-production, Wi,>slodl 2\13 111 -5 4 32 I SPIN 11J7fJ217 Prinkd on a(id-frC"e papc' T


We dedicate this book to Heather, Willi and Scott, as well as to our colleagues and patients.



Pediatric brain tumors present a tremendous challenge to the physician. Their diverse biological behaviors, in the unique context of the developing nervous system, require flexible and tailored treatment plans. Exponential expansion in our understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of human malignancies has led to the introduction of biologically based therapeutic agents and their incorporation into multimodality approaches to brain tumors. The next 10 years promise great excitement as these agents enter clinical trials and are brought into everyday practice. The goal of this textbook is to provide a concise, current, scientifically based description of the management of central nervous system tumors in children. The epidemiology, pathology, clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, treatment, and