New Short Courses To Be Offered on Materials Characterization and Topics Complementing MRS Meetings

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High Energy Electron Diffraction," and "Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy." In 1986 these courses were successfully repeated and two new courses, "Modern Materials Analysis Techniques" and "Transmission and Analytical Electron Microscopy," were added. At the upcoming 1987 Fall MRS Meeting the following The goals of the MRS Short Course Pro- new courses will be presented: "Scanning gram are described elsewhere in this issue Electron Microscopy," "Scanning Tunnel(See "MRS Committees Announce 1987 Pri- ing Microscopy," "Atom Probe Field Ion orities.") As mentioned in that article, sev- Microscopy," and "Nuclear Magnetic Reseral technical themes are being pursued in onance." the development of the short course proA complement to courses on the techgram. The themes that have formed the niques in materials characterization is the foundation of the program include courses topical area of characterization of specific in (1) materials preparation and fabrica- technological materials. Courses which tion, (2) techniques of materials processing have been presented in this area include: and experimentation, (3) utilization of ma- "Properties of Films and Coatings," terials, and (4) materials characterization. "Electronic Properties of Amorphous SemiThe program offered at the 1987 MRS conductors," and "Ceramic and Metal Spring Meeting includes many courses un- Matrix Composites." For the 1987 Fall der these categories. While there is interest Meeting program it is planned to add in quality courses which fit the general "Characterization of Powders and Porous themes, courses are also given in other Materials." areas of special interest to MRS. The area of advanced materials is being The Education Committee has identified addressed. No separate theme is identified a special need for courses in materials char- because many courses dealing with adacterization, and it is one area that is being vanced materials are already identified as actively pursued. It is believed that this being included in the materials prepararepresents a unique area of materials sci- tion, processing, or fabrication themes. ence Instruction which is not being ad- These include courses such as "Films and dressed coherently by other organizations Coatings for Science and Technology," involved with short course educational "Ion Beam Processes for Materials Modifiprograms. At the 1985 MRS Fall Meeting cation," and "Sol-Gel Processing of Glass." the following courses were included: "Sur- Plans are to add a new course on "Rapidly face and Thin Film Analysis," "Reflection Solidified Materials."

In addition to the major technical themes, new courses are offered which complement the MRS meeting symposia. Examples are "Fractals in Materials Science," "Rapid Thermal Processing," and "Plasma Etching," to name a few. New courses which will complement Symposium topics are in the planning phase and will address the fundamentals of polymers, photochemical processing, and thermal plasma processing. The MRS Short Course Program will continue to expand the portfolio of courses