Petrogenesis of the Granites in the Yandangshan Area, Southeastern China: Constraints from SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Age and Tr

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SSN 1674-487X X IS

Pettrogeneesis of th he Gran nites in the Yaandangsshan Arrea, Southeeastern n China: Consttraints from f SH HRIMP P U-Pb Zircon Z Agge and Trace T E Element ts, and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Da ata Yaqin Lu uo


, Haiyan n Qin2, Tao Wu W *3, Ziloong Li *3

1. School of Eaarth Sciences, Zhejiang Z Univerrsity, Hangzhouu 310027, Chinaa 2.. The 11th Geollogical Section of Zhejiang Prrovince, Wenzhoou 325006, Chiina 3. Ocean College, Zhejiaang University, Zhoushan 3160021, China Yaqin Luoo: https://orcid.oorg/0000-0001--5383-7662; Tao Wu: httpss:// 2883; Zilong Li: htttps:// ABS STRACT: New w geochemicall and geochron nological data of two types of o granites, wh hich are locateed in Yan ndangshan area, southeastern Zhejiang Prrovince, were presented p to constrain their magma condiition, origgin and the gen netic relationsh hip between th hem. The SHR RIMP zircon U-Pb U dating of Dongshan and d Heshen ng granite in Yandangshan Y area shows th hat they were formed at 1144±1 and 103±22 Ma, respectiively. Sam mples from th he Dongshan granite havee high SiO2 (76.4 wt.%–776.9 wt.%) aand total alk kaline T wt.%–8.47 wt (K2O+Na O O=8.35 t.%) contents, but low FeO (0.89 wt.%–1. .15 wt.%), Mg gO (0.21 wt.%– –0.22 2 wt.% %), and CaO (0.24 ( wt.%–0.334 wt.%) conteents and high A/CNK (~1.1)) values, belonging to the peraluminous and magn nesian granite. The Hesheng granite has high SiO2 (72.2 wt.%–77.5 wtt.%), total alk kaline T (K2O+Na wt.%–9.41 wt 0–2.06), and O O=8.05 t.%) and FeO contents (1.2 h high A/CNK va alues (1.0–1.1) ), but 2 low in MgO (0.12 wt.%–0.29 wtt.%) and CaO (0.24 wt.%–0..34 wt.%) conttents. Sampless from the Hesheng gran nite also have high FeOT/M MgO (6.9–10.0)) and 10 000× ×Ga/Al (2.6–3.44) ratios simillar to the ferrroan/ A-tyype granite. All A the samplles are enrich hed in LREE but have prroduced negattive Eu anom malies (Eu//Eu*Dongshan=0..45–0.47; Eu/E Eu*Hesheng=0.177–0.55), Ba, Nb, N and Ta, while w the REE contents off the ferrroan/A-type grranite (Hesheng) are higheer than that of the magn nesian granite (Dongshan). The (87Srr/86Sr)i value of o the magnesiian granite is slightly s higher than that of th he ferroan/A-ttype granite an nd its εNd(tt) value (-6.8) is i lower than the t latter (-6.0–– -5.9). In addition, the εHf(t)) value (-11.8– -4.2) of magneesian gran nite is also low wer than that of the ferroan/A A-type granite (-8.3– -2.0), in ndicating that tthere may be more m man ntle-derived coomponents in the source areea of the ferro oan/A-type graanite. Zircon ssaturation thermometer (TZr) and Ti-in-zircon T th hermometer (T TZircon) are useed to estimate the temperatture of the ma agma sourrce, and the reesults show thaat the magma temperature of o the magnesiian granite (avverage TZr=798 8 ºC; averrage TZircon=7992 ºC) is loweer than that of the ferroan//A-type granitte (average TZZr=862 ºC; aveerage TZirccon=859 ºC). And A the oxygen n fugacity of magnesian gra anite (ΔFMQ= =1.16–3.47) arre also higher than thosse o