Primary Health Care Public Involvement, Family Medicine, Epidemiolog

A health policy for the future is the topic of discussion in this book. International scientists discuss central questions corresponding to the targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In a unique meeting, social political proposals and recomme

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Petra Bergerhoff Dieter Lehmann Peter Novak (Eds. )

Primary Health Care Public Involveme nt , Family Medicine, Epide miology,

and Health Economics

With 36Figures and 56 Ta bles

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona

Dr. phil. , dipl. pad. Petra Bergerhoff University of Ulm , Department of Medical Sociology Am HochstraG 8, 7900 Vim, Federal Republic of Germany Dipl. oec. Dieter Lehmann Communi ty of Vim, Social Welfare Office and Youth Welfare Office SchwambergerstraBe 1, 7900 Vim, Federal Republic of Germany Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. Peter Novak University of V Im , Department of Mcdical Sociology Am HochstraB 8, 7900 VIm, Federal Republic of Germany

ISBN-t3: 978-3-540-18426-3

e-I SBN-t3:978-3-642-83240-6

0 0 1: to.l 007/978-3-642-83240-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in· Publication Data Prim ary health care: public involvement, family medicine, epidemiology. and heal th eco, nomics / Petra Bergerhoff. Dieter Lehmann. Peter Novak, eds. p. cm. - (H talth systems research) Proceedings of a conference organized by the University of Ulm, Department of Medical Sociology (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York) . (SpringcrNerlag New York Berlin Heidelherg) I Medical care-Con gresses. 2. Medical policy-Cong,es",s. 3. Medical economics-Congresses. 4. Family medi cine-Congresses. I. Bergerhoff, Petra , \953-. II. Lehmann. Dieter. 1956 - . III. Novak, IV. Universitiit Ulm. Abtci!ung Medizinischc Soziologie . V. Se. ie •. Pcter, 1937RA4l2.P734 1990 362.I-dc20 90-10203 CIP This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, wheth er the whole or pan of the material is concerned, spec ificall y the rights of trans lation, reprinting, re-uSe of illustra tions. recitation. broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in other ways, and Slorage in data banks_ Duplication of this publication Or part.thereofi. o nly permitted under the provisions of th e German Copyright Law of September 9. 1965. in its current version, and a copyright fce must always be paid. Violations fall under the prmecut;on act of the Ge rman Copyrigh t Law. C Springer-Verlag Berlin Hddelberg 1990 The use of general desc riptive names, regislered name. , trademarks, elc . in this publication dCKS not imply, even;n the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective law5 and regulations and therefore frec for general usc. Product Liability: The publisher can give no guaran tee for informa tion aoout drug dosage and application thereof contained in this oook. In every individual case the respective uSCr must check its accuracy by consulting othe r pharmaceUlicalliteralurc_


This volume of proceedings shows the discussion of an international symposium and an associations-forum entitled Primary Health Care, Epidemiology and Health Economics. The conference was organized by the University of Vim. Department of Medical Sociology, and supported by the Gennan Ministry of Youth, Family. Women and Health (BMJFFG) in cooperation with the Europ