Quality of Life after Open Heart Surgery

primary goal of all forms of therapy is not just prolonging life, but improving the quality of life, has forced analysis of what constitutes quality of life, a concept whose structure pervades all walks of life and eludes definition. Global well being, ha

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Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine VOLUME 132

The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume.

Quality of Life after Open Heart Surgery edited by PAUL J. WALTER University School of Medicine Antwerp , Antwerp , Belgium

With a foreword by NANETTE K. WENGER Emory University School of Medicine , Atlanta, Georgia , USA

Springer Science+Business Media, B.Y.

Llbrary of Congress Cataloglng-In-Publlcatlon Data Quallty of 11fe after open heart surgery / edlted by Paul J. Walter ; wlth a foreword by Nanette K. Henger. p. cm. -- IOevelop.ents In cardlovascular ledlclne ; v. 1321 Includes blbllographlc81 refe~ences and IndeK. ISBN 978-94-010-5166-8 ISBN 978-94-011-2640-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-2640-3 1. Heart--Surgery--Patlents--Rehabll1tatlon--Congresses. 2. Health status Indlcators--Congresses. 1. Walter, P. J. (Paul J.I, 1935. II. Serles. [ONLM: 1. Heart Surgery--congresses. 2. Postoperatlve Perlod-congresses. 3. Quallty of Life--congresses. Wl DE99VME v.132 WG 169 Ql081 RD598. Q35 1992 617.4'1203--dc20 DM...M/!X..C for Llbrary of Congress 91-46511

ISBN 978-94-010-5166-8

Cover illustration by E. Winkel. Reproduced with permission.

AII Rights Reserved

© 1992 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1992 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, inc1uding photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner

Table of contents

Preface by Paul J. Walter


Foreword by Nanette K. Wenger


List of contributors


1. Quality of life: Why the burgeoning interest in the clinical and research

cardiology communities? by Nanette K. Wenger


Part One: Quality of life after heart valve replacement

A. Physiological state 2. Results after biological heart valve replacement by Donald N. Ross 3. Quality of life after mitral valve repair by John Y. M. Reiland 4. Quality of life and prognosis following heart valve replacement by Dieter Horstkotte, Hagen D. Schulte, Wolfgang: Bircks and Bodo E. Strauer

9 13 19

B. Intellectual functioning 5. Cognitive function before and after cardiac surgery: A comparison of cardiac valvular replacement and coronary artery bypass surgery by Allen E. Willner 6. Neuropsychologic outcome after heart valve replacement by Kyosti A. Sotaniemi

39 47

C. Emotional state 7. Psychosocial state of patients after heart valve surgery by C. David Jenkins


vi Table of contents 8. Emotional state of patients one year after heart valve replacement; clinical, functional and psychological correlates by M. Bullinger and D. Naber


D. General satisfaction 9. Aspects of quality of life in patients with mechanical heart valves by Lars. I. Thulin


E. Concluding remarks Quality of life after heart valve replacement by D. Horstkotte


Part Two: Quality of life after coronary bypass surgery

A. Physiological state 10. Morbid