Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Multicenter Trial on Radiation Therapy of Age-Related Macular Degener
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness in Western nations for persons beyond 50 years of age (Bressler et al. 1988 , Klein et al. 1992 ; Leibowitz et al. 1980 ; Wormald 1995 ). The most frequent cause of severe vis
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Radiation Oncology Editors: L,W.Brady, Philade1phia H.-P. Heilmann, Hamburg M. Molls, Munich
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
W.E.Alberti· G.Richard . R.H.Sagerman (Eds .)
Age-Related Macular Degeneration Current Treatment Concepts With Contributions by W E. Alberti . K.-G. Au Eong . C. Bellmann . G. J. Bergink . P. Bischoff . P. Blacharski L.W Brady . G. Brown . U. Chakravarthy· R. Coquard . P. Crossmann . J. Debus E. de Iuan, [r. . A.F. Deutmann . E. Egger . K. Engelmann · R. Engenhart-Cabillic · P. T.Finger J. Freire . G.Y. Fujii . J.-P. Gerard . H. Gerding . G. Goitein . S. Gorty . A. Hassenstein K. Heimann . U. Holler . F. G. Holz . C. B. Hoyng . I. Immonen . S. B. Klein . M. Kocher N. Kov ăcs . G. Kov ăcs . K. Krause . R. Krott . J. E. Lahaniatis . S.Y. Lee . D. M. Marcus P. Martin . M. Mauget-Faysee . B. Micaily - C. T. Miyamoto . R.-P.Miiller . H. Niederberger P. Niehoff . D. J. Pieramici . G. Richard G. Ries . R. H. Sagerman . A. Schalenbourg . F. Schiitt R.Schwartz . W.c. Sheils . J.D. Slater . J.M. Slater - S. Staar . S.Taneri . C.E. Uhlig . K.Unnebrink C. Valmaggia · M. Valtink - WA.J.van Daal· R.W M. van der Maazen . J. R. Vingerling M. Wannenmacher . J. Weichel . T. E. Yaeger . 1. T. Yonemoto . 1. Zografos . J. Zurdel Foreword by
L. W. Brady, H.-P. Heilmann and M. Molls With 117 Figur es in 150 Separate Illustra tions, 46 in Color and 33 Tables
E. ALBERTI , MD Professor, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology University Hospital Eppendorf Martinistr. 52 20246 Hamburg Germany
MD Professor, Department of Ophth almology University Hospital Eppendorf Martinistr. 52 20246 Hamburg Germany GISB ERT RI CHARD,
ROBERT H. SAGERMAN, MD, FACR Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology State University of New York Upstate Medical University 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 USA
Medical Radiology . Diagno stic Imag ing and Radiation Oncology Continuation of Handbuch der med izinischen Radiolo gie Encyclopedia of Medical Radiology
ISBN 978-3-642-63071-2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Age-related ma cular dege neration : current treatment concepts / W.E. Alber ti, G. Richa rd, R.H. Sagerman (eds.) ; with cont rib utio ns by W.E. Alberti ... [et al.) ; foreword by L. W. Brady, H.-P. Heilma nn and M. Molls p. ; cm, -- (Medical rad iology) Includes bib liograph ical referenc es and index . ISBN 978-3-642-63071-2 ISBN 978-3-642-56439-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-56439-0 1. Retin al degene ration . 1.Albert i, W. II. Richard , G. (Gisbert), 1949- III. Sager ma n, Rob ert R ., 1930- IV. Seri es. [DNLM: 1. Macular Degeneration--rad ioth erapy. 2. Macul ar Degeneration --sur gery. WW 270 A26495 2000] RE66l.D3 A33 2000 617.7'3506-- dc2 1 00-055661 This work is subject to copyright. AlI rights are reser ved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerne d, specifi cally the rights of tra nslation, rep rin ti ng, reuse of illustrations, recitations, broadcastin g, reproduction on microfilm or in any othe r way, and storage in data banks. Duplicati