Strategies for Preventing Terrorism
This innovative new book aims to put society's fight against terrorism into a comprehensive crime prevention perspective with a clear, understandable theoretical foundation, developing a general model for the prevention of crime which is, in this book, ap
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10.1057/9781137355089 - Strategies for Preventing Terrorism, Tore Bjorgo
Copyright material from - licensed to Kainan University - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-28
Strategies for Preventing Terrorism
Also by Tore Bjørgo POLITISK KOMMUNIKASJON: INTRODUKSJON TIL SEMIOTIKK OG RETORIKK (with Daniel Heradstveit; Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and Bulgarian editions) POLITISK TERRORISME (with Daniel Heradstvei; in Norwegian)
TERROR FROM THE EXTREME RIGHT (editor) RACIST AND RIGHT-WING VIOLENCE IN SCANDINAVIA: Patterns, Perpetrators, and Responses NATION AND RACE: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture (co-editor, with Jeffrey Kaplan) VOLD, RASISME OG UNGDOMSGJENGER: Forebygging og bekjempelse (with Yngve Carlsson; in Norwegian) GENERALISERT HAT – POLARISERTE FELLESSKAP: Om konflikter mellom ungdomsmiljøer i en norsk by (with Y. Carlsson & T. Haaland; in Norwegian) ROOT CAUSES OF TERRORISM (editor) LEAVING TERRORISM BEHIND: Individual and Collective Disengagement (co-editor, with John Horgan) POLICE SCIENCE PERSPECTIVES: Towards a European Approach (with five co-authors)
DOI: 10.1057/9781137355089
10.1057/9781137355089 - Strategies for Preventing Terrorism, Tore Bjorgo
Copyright material from - licensed to Kainan University - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-28
RACIST VIOLENCE IN EUROPE (co-edited, with Rob Witte; English and Norwegian editions)
Tore Bjørgo
Professor of Police Science, Norwegian Police University College
DOI: 10.1057/9781137355089
10.1057/9781137355089 - Strategies for Preventing Terrorism, Tore Bjorgo
Copyright material from - licensed to Kainan University - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-28
Strategies for Preventing Terrorism
Tore Bjørgo © 2013 Foreword © Alex P. Schmid 2013
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