The Concept of Hell

What is the nature of Hell? What role(s) may Hell play in religious, political, or ethical thought? Can Hell be justified? This edited volume addresses these questions and others; drawing philosophers from many approaches and traditions to analyze and exa

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Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-17

The Concept of Hell

10.1057/9781137455710 - The Concept of Hell, Edited by Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp

Also by Robert Arp (selected) SCENARIO VISUALIZATION: An Evolutionary Account of Creative Problem

PHILOSOPHY DEMYSTIFIED (co-authored with Jamie Watson) WHAT’S GOOD ON TV: Understanding Ethics through Television (co-authored with Jamie Watson) BUILDING ONTOLOGIES WITH BASIC FORMAL ONTOLOGY (co-authored with Barry Smith and Andrew Spear) 1001 IDEAS THAT CHANGED THE WAY WE THINK (editor) PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY: An Anthology (co-edited with Alex Rosenberg) CONTEMPORARY DEBATES IN PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY (co-edited with Francisco Ayala) CONTEMPORARY DEBATES IN BIOETHICS (co-edited with Art Caplan) INFORMATION AND LIVING SYSTEMS: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives (co-edited with G. Terzis) Also by Benjamin W. McCraw PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACHES TO THE DEVIL (co-edited with Robert Arp) THE PROBLEM OF EVIL: New Philosophical Directions (co-edited with Robert Arp)

10.1057/9781137455710 - The Concept of Hell, Edited by Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp

Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-17

CRITICAL THINKING: An Introduction to Reasoning Well (co-authored with Jamie Watson)

The Concept of Hell Edited by

University of South Carolina, Upstate, USA


Robert Arp Independent Researcher

10.1057/9781137455710 - The Concept of Hell, Edited by Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp

Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-17

Benjamin McCraw

Selection, introduction and editorial matter © Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp 2015 Chapters © Individual authors 2015

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