The Explosion of Structural Information on Insect Neuropeptides
Insects form the largest class of the phylum Arthropoda. There are at least one million known species, so more than 50% of all existing organisms on earth are insects. It is even thought that at least another million insect species have not yet been disco
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Zoology Department, UmversIty of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Repubhc of South Afnca
IntroductIOn 2 General Methods Used for IsolatIOn, IdentJficatlOn and CharactenzatlOn of Insect NeuropeptJdes 2 1 BIOlogical Assays 2 1 1 AdlpokmetJc BIOassay 212 Myotroplc BIOassay 22 LiqUid Chromatography 23 Edman DegradatIOn Sequencmg, Mass Spectrometry and Peptide SynthesIs 24 Immunological Techmques (RIA, ELISA, Immunocytochemistry) 2 5 Molecular BIOlogical Techmques 3 The Insect NeuropeptJdes 3 1 PeptJdes Involved m HomeostasIs and Metabolism 3 1 1 AdlpokmetJc and Hypertrehalosaemlc PeptJdes 3 1 2 DIUretiC and AntJdlUretJc PeptJdes 3 2 PeptJdes Regulatmg ReproductIOn, Growth and Development 32 1 Pheromone BIOsynthesIs ActJvatmg NeuropeptJdes 3 2 2 Allatotropms and Allatostatms 3 2 2 1 Allatotropms 3 2 2 2 Allatostatms 3 2 3 ProthoraclcotroPlc Hormone, Bombyxm and Other Insulin-Related Neuropepbdes 3 2 3 1 ProthoraclcotroPlc Hormone 3 2 3 2 Bombyxm 3233 Locusta Insulm-Related PeptJde 3 2 4 EcloslOn Hormones
A. Andersen et al., Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products © Springer-Verlag/Wien 1997
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3 2 5 PeptJdes Affectmg Gonad ACt1V1ty 3 2 5 1 Ovary Maturatmg Pepttde and Neuroparsm of Locusta mlgratona 3 2 5 2 OostatJc Hormones of Dlptera 3 2 6 Dlapause Hormones 33 Pepttdes Modlfymg Spontaneous Muscle ContractIOns Myotroplc PeptJdes 3 3 1 Proctolm and CardlOstlmulatory Peptldes 332 Myokmms 3 3 3 Sulfakmms 3 3 4 Pyrokmms/Myotropms 3 3 5 Tachykmms 3 3 6 PenvIscerokmm 337 Accessory Glands- and Mldgut-Myotropms and Others 3 3 8 Myomhlbltory PeptJdes and Other FMRFamlde Related Pepttdes (FaRPs) 3 4 Chromatotroplc Factors m Insects
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4 ConclusIOns
1. Introduction Insects form the largest class of the phylum Arthropoda. There are at least one million known species, so more than 50% of all existIng organisms on earth are insects. It IS even thought that at least another mIllIon insect species have not yet been discovered. Insect-lIke forms Inhabited the terrestrIal and freshwater ecosystems about 300 million years ago and theIr basic features have been so successful that they were able to exploit almost every available habitat except the true marine environment, which is occupied by theIr arthropod "cousins", the Crustacea. Metazoan animals like Insects had to develop systems for communication between cells, tissues and organs in order to coordinate their responses to internal and external stimuli and to regulate biochemical and physiological processes. Both the nervous and the endocrine systems are well-known cellular components for communication, recruiting chemIcal messengers for theIr tasks. In general, the nervous system IS used for rapid communication, whereas the endOCrIne system is involved In the regulation oflonger lasting responses. Both systems, however, quite often do not work in Isolat
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