The International Banking System Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses a

Provides a comprehensive and detailed understanding and analysis of banking businesses and their worldwide operations. Banks have become 'too big to fail', and too complex-to-manage in their inbound and outbound operations. This book gives the relevant de

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The International Banking System Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses and Risk Management Felix Lessambo

St John's University USA

palgrave macm,llan


© Felix Lessambo 2013

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Contents List of Tables


List of Figures







xxi xxiv

Cited Cases Preface


Part I Regulators 1 The US Federal Reserve Bank 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Organizational Structure of the Federal Reserve 1.2.1 The Board of Governors 1.2.2 The Federal Open Market Committee 1.2.3 The Federal Reserve Banks 1.3 Role and Functions of the Federal Reserve 1.4 The Federal Reserve's Policies and Processes 1.5 Activities and Responsibilities of the Federal Reserve 1.5.1 Monetary Commission 1.5.2 Policy Operations 1.5.3 Congressional Oversight of Monetary Policy 1.5.4 Open Market Operations 1.6 Independence of the Federal Reserve 1. 7 Reforming the Federal Reserve 1.8 Conclusion 2 The European Central Bank System 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Organization of the European Central Bank 2.2.1 The Executive Board 2.2.2 The Governing Council 2.2.3 The General Council 2.3 Objectives of the European Central Bank 2.3.1 The European Central Bank and Price Stability V

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2.3.2 The European Ce