The Politics of Home Belonging and Nostalgia in Western Europe and t
This book examines ideas of 'home' of Americans and Western Europeans under the influence of the two major revolutions of our times: the gender revolution and increased mobility due to globalization. It analyzes how 'home' has been politicized, as we
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The Politics of Home
10.1057/9780230305076 - The Politics of Home, Jan Willem Duyvendak 9780230_293991_01_prexii.indd i
5/16/2011 8:16:17 PM
Also by Jan Willem Duyvendak THE POWER OF POLITICS: New Social Movements in an Old Polity, France 1965–1989 (1995)
THE GLOBAL EMERGENCE OF GAY AND LESBIAN POLITICS: National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement (1999) (co-edited) LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES: An Introductory, Interdisciplinary Approach (2000) (co-edited) POLICY, PEOPLE AND THE NEW PROFESSIONAL: De-professionalisation and Re-professionalisation in Care and Welfare (2006) (co-edited) CITIES IN SIGHT: Dutch Dealings with Urban Change (2009) (co-edited)
Copyright material from - licensed to University of Cincinnati - PalgraveConnect - 2014-11-10
NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS IN WESTERN EUROPE: A Comparative Analysis (1995) (co-authored)
10.1057/9780230305076 - The Politics of Home, Jan Willem Duyvendak 9780230_293991_01_prexii.indd ii
5/16/2011 8:16:18 PM
The Politics of Home
Jan Willem Duyvendak University of Amsterdam
Copyright material from - licensed to University of Cincinnati - PalgraveConnect - 2014-11-10
Belonging and Nostalgia in Western Europe and the United States
10.1057/9780230305076 - The Politics of Home, Jan Willem Duyvendak 9780230_293991_01_prexii.indd iii
5/16/2011 8:16:18 PM
© Jan Willem Duyvendak 2011
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