Who Marries Whom? Educational Systems as Marriage Markets in Modern
Marriage and social inequality are closely interrelated. Marriage is dependent on the structure of marriage markets, and marriage patterns have consequences for social inequality. This book demonstrates that in most modern societies the educa tional syst
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European Studies of Population VOLUME
Th e book series European Studies of Popula tion (ES PO ) aims at d issemin ating popul ation and family rese arch , with speci al rele van ce for Europe. It may anal yse past, pre sent and/or future trend s, as well as their det erminant s and conseque nce s. Th e cha racter of the series is multidisciplinary, including form al demographic ana lyses , as we ll as social, eco no mic and/o r historical populatio n and famil y stud ies. T he foll owin g types of studies are of primar y imp ort an ce : (a ) interna tiona lly rele vant stud ies , (b ) Euro pea n co mpa rative studie s, (c) inno vative theoret ical and methodol ogical stud ies , and (d) poli cy-rele vant scie ntific stud ies. Th e series may include monograph s, ed ited vo lumes and reference works. Th e book series is publish ed und er the ausp ices of the Eu ropea n A ssociaiton fo r Populati on Stud ies (EAPS) Editori al Board : Cha rlotte HOlm, Bundesin stitut t\ "ur Bev\"olk erun gsfor schun g, (BiB ), Wiesbaden, Germ any Th erese Ja cob s , Popul ation and Family Study Centre (CBGS ), Bru ssels, Belgium Jan ina Jozwiak, European Ass ocia tion for Popul ation Studi es (EAPS) Nico Keilman , Stati stics Nor way, Oslo , Nor wa y Miro slav Mo cu ra . Popul ation Ac tivities Unit, (EC E, United Nations), Geneva, Sw itzerla nd Maur a Misiti, Istitut o di Recer che sulla Popola zione (lRP) , Rorna, Ital y Jean-Ma rc Rohrbasser , Institut Nationa l d'Etud es Demographiqucs (lN ED) , Par is, Pra nce Zso llt Spider , NKI, Budape st. Hun gar y Frans WillekellS, Nethe rlands Interdi sciplinary Dem ographi c Institut e (N IDI), Th e Hague, Netherlands Advisory Board : ln es Alberdi , Universida d Com plut en se, Madrid , Sp ain , Herwi g Birg , (ln stitut fur Bevolkerungsfor schun g, Bielefeld , Germany), Graziell a Case lli, (Universita degl i studi di Rom a "La Sapien za" , Rom e, Italy), David Coleman, (De partme nt of Applied Soc ial Studi es and Social Resear ch , Oxford Uni ver sity, Un ited Kingdom ), Jack Habib , (Brookdate Institute, Jeru salem , Israel) , Kalev Katu s, (Eston ian Interuniversit y Popul ation Resear ch Ce ntre, Talinn, Estonia) , Mair e Ni Bhrolchain , (Dep artm ent of Social Statistics, So utha mpto n, Un ited Kingdom) , Vita Prur an, (D ani sh Nation al Institut e o f Soc ial Resear ch , Copenhagen , Denm ark) , Se rge Scherbov; (Pop ulatio n Resear ch Cent re, Groningen University, Netherlands), David Sly , (Florida State Univ ersity, Tall aha ssee , USA), Tap ani valk on en , (U nivers ity of Hel sinki , Finland), Jam es Vaup el, (Max Plan ck Instit ute for De mog raphic Research , Rostock , Germany) . Editoria l Offi ces: Gij s Beet s Netherlands Interdi sciplin ar y Demo graphi c Institute (NIDI) PO Bo x 11650 NL-250 2 AR Th e Hague, Netherlands Pbone.: + 3 1 70356 5200 Fax .: + 3 I 70 364 7 187 E-mail : beets @n idi.nl Technica l Ed ito rs: Jacqu elin e \'(m der Helm
The titl es publish ed ill this se ries are listed at the end of thi s volume
Who Marries Whom? Educational Systems a