Beyond Trauma Cultural and Societal Dynamics
The editors of Beyond Trauma: Cultural and Societal Dynamics have created a volume that goes beyond the individual's psychological dynamics of trauma, exploring its social, cultural, politica!, and ethical dimensions from an international as well as a glo
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The Plenum Series on Stress and Coping Series Editor:
Donald Meichenbaum, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Editorial Board: Bruce P. Dohrenwend, Columbia University •Marianne Frankenhauser, University of Stockholm • Norman Garmezy, University of Minnesota • MardiJ. Horowitz, University of California Medical Schoo~ San Francisco • Richard S. Lazarus, University of California, Berkeley • Michael Rutter, University of London• Dennis C. Turk, University of Pittsburgh • John P. Wilson, Cleveland State University • Camille Wortman, University of Michigan
Current Volumes in the Series:
BEYOND TRAUMA Cultural and Societal Dynamics Edited by RolfJ. Kleber, Charles R. Figley, and Berthold P. R. Gersons COMBAT STRESS REACTION The Enduring Toll of War Zahava Solomon COMMUTING STRESS Causes, Effects, and Methods of Coping Meni Koslowsky, Avraham N. Kluger, and Mordechai Reich COPING WITH WAR-INDUCED STRESS The Gulf War and the Israeli Response Zahava Solomon INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF TRAUMATIC STRESS SYNDROMES Edited by John P. Wilson and Beverley Raphael PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY Key Papers and Core Concepts in Post-Traumatic Stress Edited by George S. Everly,Jr. andjeffrey M. Lating STRESS AND MENTAL HEALTH Contemporary Issues and Prospects for the Future Edited by William R. Avison and lan H. Gotlib TRAUMATIC STRESS From Theory to Practice Edited by John R. Freedy and Stevan E. Hobfoll THE UNNOTICED MAJORITY IN PSYCHIATRIC INPATIENT CARE Charles A. Kiesler and Celeste G. Simpkins
A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumt's are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher.
Beyond Trauma Cultural and Societal Dynamics Edited by
RolfJ. K1eber Utrecht University and Institute for Psyehotrauma Utrecht, The Netherlands
Charles R. Figley Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida
Berthold P. R. Gersons Academic Medical Center and University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Published in cooperation with
Library of Congress Cataloglng-ln-Publlcatlon Data
8eyond trauma: cultural and soctetal dynamlcs I edtted by Rolf J. Kleber, Charles R. Flgley, and 8erthold P.R. Gersons. p. cm. -- (The Plenum serles an stress and coplngl Includes btbltographtcal references and Index. ISBN 978-1-4757-9423-6 ISBN 978-1-4757-9421-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-9421-2 1. Post-traumatlc stress disorder--Soctal aspects. 2. Psychlc trauma--Soclal aspects. I. Kleber, R. J. (Rolf Jan) II. Flgley, Charles R., 1944III. Gersons, Berthold P. R., 1945IV. Serles. RC552.PS7B49 1995 S1S.85·21--dc20 95-40998 CIP
ISBN 978-1-4757-9423-6
I© 1995 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1995 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1995
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