Carotenoids Volume 2: Synthesis
George Britton, Synnl/Jve Liaaen-Jensen and Hanspeter Pfander This book, Volume 2 in the series Carotenoids, is the first book to be published that is devoted entirely to the total synthesis of carotenoids, but it is timely in view of the rapid developmen
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Carotenoids Volume 2: Synthesis Edited by
G. Britton S. Liaaen-Jensen H. Pfander
Birkhauser Verlag Basel· Boston· Berlin
Editors: Dr. George Britton Reader In Blochemistry Department 01 Biochemistry The University 01 Liverpool P.O Box 147 Liverpool L69 3 BX England
Prolessor Dr. Dr. h. c. Synn0ve Liaaen-Jensen Prolessor 01 Organic Chemlstry Organic Chemistry Laboratories Norwegian University 01 Science and Technology The Norwegian Institute 01 Technology N-7034 Trondhelm Norway
Prolessor Dr. Dr. h. c. Hanspeter Plander Institut lür organische Chemie Universität Bern Freiestrasse 3 CH-3012 Bern Switzerland
A CIP catalogue record lor th,s book is available from the Library 01 Congress, Washington D.c.. USA. Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carotenoids / ed. by G. Britton. Birkhäuser. NE: Bntton, George IHrsg.1 Vol. 2. Synthesls. - 1996
- Basel; Boston; Berlin:
ISBN-13: 978-3-0348-9325-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-0348-9323-7 001: 10,1007/978-3-0348-9323-7
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Contents International Advisory Board and List of Contributors ......
. .... XIII
Preface ... Editors' Notes .....
. ... XVII ........................................................................ XIX
Chapter 1: General Aspects Part I: Synthesis in Perspective Hanspeter Pfander, Synn¢ve Liaaen-Jensen and George Britton ..
Part II: Strategies for Building the Carbon Skeleton Milan Soukup, Paul Spurr and Erich Widmer
A. Introduction 7 B. General Strategies.. .... 7 C. Examples . ..... II 1. Wittig reaction: Astaxanthin and zeaxanthin........................... ............ II 2. Julia sulphone coupling: Zeaxanthin 12 3. Wittig reaction with unsymmetrical carotenoids: (S)-Trisanhydrobacterioruberin ...... 12 4. Dimerization: ~,~-Carotene ......... 13
..... 14
Part III: Characterization of Products Hans Mayer and Urs Hengartner
A. Introduction B. Isomers of ~,~-carotene .. C. (7Z)-Lycopene ..
.. .................................................. 18
D. Lutein ... ............................