Comparison and interpretation of fracture surfaces produced in ti-8ai-1mo-1v by stress-corrosion cracking and slow-strai
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1. N. Birla, V. DePierre, and A. M. Adair: Technical Report AFML-TR-76-89, Air Force Material Laboratory,June, 1976. 2. W. R. Kerr, D. Eylon, and J. A. Hall: Met. Trans. A, 1976, vol. 7A, pp. 1477-80. 3. D. Eylon and J. A. Hall: Met. Trans. A, 1977, vol. 8A, pp. 981-90. 4. D. Eylon: Technical Report on Quality Standards for Production Titanium Alloy Castings, AFML-TR-76-192,AppendixB, pp. 336-44; Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1977. 5. D. Eylon and N. Birla: Met. Trans. A, 1977, vol. 8A, pp. 367-69. 6. D. Eylong and W. R. Kerr: ASTM STP on Fractographic Approach to Failure Analysis, ASTMPublications,Philadelphia,Pa., in press. 7. G. 1. Friedmanand G. S. Arsel: TheSuperalloys, C. T. Sims andW. C. Hagel, eds., pp. 427-50, John Wiley,New York, 1972. 8. G. Sasaki and M. T. Yokota: Metallography, 1975, vol. 8, pp. 265-68. 9. A. W. Sommerand M. Creager: Technical Report AFML-TR-76-222 (Final Report), Air Force Materials Laboratory, August, 1976. 10. M. Ge/l and G. R. Leverant: Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures, ASTMSTP 520, AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials, 1973, pp. 37-67.
Comparison and Interpretation of Fracture Surfaces Produced in Ti-8AI1Mo-IV by Stress-Corrosion Cracking and Slow-Strain-Rate Hydrogen Embrittlement G. H. K O C H , A. J . B U R S L E , AND E . N. P U G H T w o o p p o s i n g v i e w s e x i s t to a c c o u n t f o r t h e SCC o f t h e n e a r - o r T i - 8 A 1 - 1 M o - 1V, n a m e l y p r e f e r e n t i a l a n o d i c dissolution 1 and hydrogen-induced cleavage. 2 This c o m m u n i c a t i o n p r o v i d e s s u p p o r t for the l a t t e r by c o m (b)
Fig. 2--(a) F r a c t u r e s u r f a c e of AF2-1DA powder compact fatigue s p e c i m e n showing s u b s u r f a c e fatigue c r a c k initiation. Line m a r k s the plane of the metallographic section. (b) SEM image of the initiation site showing both m i e r o s t r u c t u r e and f r a c t u r e . The fatigue failure initiated at the MgO p a r t i c l e shown in the c e n t e r . (c) Unbonded powder p a r t i c l e , (marked D) n e a r the nonmetallic inclusion. The m i c r o s t r u c t u r e grain d i a m e t e r is 200 /~m. METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS A
G. H. KOCH, formerly Research Assistant, Department of Metallurgy and Mining Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, is now Research Metallurgist with Fokker-VFW, Schiphol Oost, The Netherlands. A. J. BURSLE and E. N. PUGH are Research Associate and Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, respectively, Department of Metallurgy and Mining Engineering, at University of Illinois, and are members of the Materials Research Laboratory at that University. Manuscript submitted July 18, 1977.
that r e p o r t e d by Williams,4 and t h e r e can be little doubt that e m b r i t t l e m e n t r e s u l t s f r o m the p r e s e n c e of s m a l l c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of i n t e r n a l hydrogen. S t r e s s c
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