Duality for Crossed Products of von Neumann Algebras

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Yoshiomi Nakagami Masamichi Takesaki

Duality for Crossed Products of von Neumann Algebras

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979

Authors Yoshiomi Nakagami Department of Mathematics Yokohama City University Yokohama Japan Masamichi Takesaki Department of Mathematics University of California Los Angeles, CA 90024 U.S.A.

AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 46 L10 ISBN 3-540-09522-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-09522-5 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin Library of Congress Cataloomq In Publication Data Nakagami, Yoshiomi, 1940Duality for crossed products of von Neumann algebras. (Lecture notes in mathematics: 731) Bibliography: p. Includes index, 1. Von Neumann algebras--Crossed products. 2. Duality theory (Mathematics) I. Takosaki, Masamichi, 1933- II. Title. III, Series: Lecture notes in Mathematics (Berlin) 731. OA3.L28 no, 731 [OA326] 510',8s [512'.55J 7Q-17038 ISBN 0-387-09522-5

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INTRODUCTION The recent development in the theory of operator algebras showed the importance of the stUdy of automorphism groups of von Neumann algebras and their crossed products.

The main tool here is duality theory for locally compact groups. Let

be a von Neumann algebra equipped with a continuous action

locally compact group


For a unitary representation

be the a­weakly closed subspace of ators





for any pair



is contained in

of unitary representations of

U means the conjugate representation of

basis for the entire duality mechanism.


spanned by the range of all intertwining oper-

It is easily seen that U,V

of a





and that

This simple fact is the

At this point, one s.hou.ld recall the form-

ulation of the Tannaka­Tatsuuma duality theorem. In spite of the above simple basis, the absence of the dual group in the noncommutative case forces us to employ the notationally (if not mathematically) complicated Ropf­von Neumann algebra approach to the duality pr-Lncd p.Le ,

I L should

however be pointed out that the Ropf ­ von Neumann algebra approach simply means a 2(G systematic usage of the unitary W on L x G) given by (WGS)(s,t) = S(s,ts). G This operator W is nothing else but the operator version of the group multiplicaG tion table. In this sense, W is a very natural object whose importance can not G be overestimated. For example, the Tannaka­Tatsuuma duality theorem simply asserts 2(G» that a non­zero x E £(L is