Editor's Choice

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EDITOR'S CHOICE Figures appearing in the EDITOR'S CHOICE are those arising from materials research which strike the editor's fancy as being aesthetically appealing and eye-catching. No further criteria are applied and none should he assumed. Submissions of candidate figures are welcome and should include a complete source citation, a photocopy of the report in which it appears (or will appear), and a reproductionduality original drawing or photograph of the figure in question.

Advanced Ceramic Materials: Technological and Economic Assessment (Noyes Publications,


This book is based on findings of previous reports prepared by the Charles River Associates (Technological Assessment of Advanced Ceramic Materials, August 1984), the Office of Industry Assessment (A Competitive Assessment of the U.S. Advanced Ceramics Industry, March 1984), and the Committee on the Status of High Technology Ceramics in Japan (High Technology Ceramics in Japan, 7 9S4). The first cited report uses, as case studies, the topics of heat engine applications, capacitors, integrated optic devices, toxic and combustible gas sensors, and cutting tools. For each of these case studies, the book completely covers the technological status of its application, including current technological barriers or f u t u r e areas of research w i t h anticipated technological and economic benefits. The section on high technology ceramics in Japan gives an i n sight i n t o the management of research and development programs through a system which includes the participation of business, g o v e r n m e n t , universities, and national laboratories. This section also lists mutually beneficial areas of cooperation between Japan and the United States. The technical considerations in this book are discussed at an elementary level and, presumably, were not intended for specialists in the given area. However, thegeneral approach adopted by this book provides a broad and valuable overview of the current status of and f u t u r e trends in advanced ceramic materials. The i n f o r m a t i o n is of interest to scientists, engineers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. Reviewer: Z.A. Mitnir is a professor in the Division of Materials Science and Engineering and associate dean for graduate studies, College of Engineering, University of California-Davis. IMTRTSI

The E D I T O R ' S C H O I C E for this issue of the B U L L E T I N comes f r o m the w o r k of J. A . K u b b y a n d B . M . S i e g e l w h o s t u d i e d t h e evolution of sputter-eroded surfaces for application to the formation of field-ion e m i t t i n g tips. This figure is f r o m their paper in journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (B4(l) Jan/Feb 1986, p. 120-1 25). It shows the successive stages of erosion of a tungsten single crystal wire subjected to ion milling at room temperature by 4 keV argon ions col lima ted along the axis of the wire which is also its < 1 0 0 > crystallographic axis. The original parabolic profile at the top first loses its radius of c u r v a t u r e at the apex and