Energy Nutrition in Ruminants
This book is intended to be a companion volume to 'Protein Nutrition in Ruminants' (1982, Academic Press), which emphasized both the role of proteins and new systems for their evaluation. Here the focus is on energy-yielding nutrients and problems involve
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E. R.0RSKOV Applied Research Department, The Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK
M.RYLE 39, Hunshelf Park, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, UK
ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD Crown House, Linton Road, Barking, Essex IGIl 8JU, England Sole Distributor in the USA and Canada ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING CO., INC. 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA
WITH 43 TABLES AND 9 ILLUSTRATIONS ISBN·13:978·94·010·6823·9 e·ISBN·13:978·94·009·0751·5 DOl: 10.1007/978·94·009·0751·5 © 1990 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data 0rskov, E. R. (Egil Robert), 1934Energy nutrition in ruminants. 1. Livestock: Ruminants. Feeding & nutrition I.. Title II. Ryle, M. (Margaret) 636.2084 ISBN 97&-94-010-6823-9 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 0rskov, E. R. Energy nutrition in ruminants/E. R. 0rskov and M. Ryle. p. em. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 97&-94-010-6823-9 1. Ruminants-Nutrition. 2. Ruminants-Feeding and feeds. 3. Bioenergetics. I. Ryle, Margaret. II. Title. SF95.077 1990 636.2'08~c20
89·71460 CIP
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This book is intended to be a companion volume to 'Protein Nutrition in Ruminants' (1982, Academic Press), which emphasized both the role of proteins and new systems for their evaluation. Here the focus is on energy-yielding nutrients and problems involved in evaluating them. Nonetheless in both volumes there is explicit recognition of the interdependence of energy and protein nutrition. I have not attempted to review comprehensively all the literature relating to ruminant energy nutrition and must apologize to colleagues whose work is not fully reported. Where possible tables and figures are taken from the studies of our group at the Rowett Research Institute since, if for no other reason, I am most familiar with these data. I have first considered the nutrition of the newborn and have stressed the role of behaviour 'in determining whether nutrients enter or bypass the rumen. The development of the rumen, the
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