Environmental Impacts of the First Kind
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Positions Available
An Engineer position is available at the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory of the Departmentof Nuclear Engineering in areas related to the Operation and maintenanceof and experimentation with several highvoltage ion accelerators for surface modificationandanalysis. Applicants should have a BS in surface physics or a related field with experience in vacuum Systems, electronics, radiation Instrumentation, and high voltage Systems.
RESEARCH SCIENTIST POSITION The University of Michigan A position of a s s i s t a n t o r a s s o c i a t e research scientist is available in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of M a t e r i a l s Science and Engineering at the U n i v e r s i t y of M i c h i g a n . Applic a n t s should h a v e a P h D degree, expertise in electron microscopy a n d s u r f a c e a n a l y t i c a l techniques, a n d should wish to develop indep e n d e n t and cooperative research p r o g r a m s . A d e m o n s t r a t e d materials research potential orrecord is required. Duties will include Service a s m a n a g e r of a new electron optics laboratory. Send resume and list of references to: Professor Ronald Gibala, Chairman Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering The University of Michigan 3062 H.H. Dow Building Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-2136 An lu/mil Op/)orlunily Afjinmititi' Avium E/npIuyt-r.
Professional Services CONSULTANT Solid State Chemist. Inorganic Materials Scientist—Professor, PhD with extensive academic/industrial experience; many publications, Patents. Reply to Box BX11-3c/o MRS BULLETIN.
accelerator.a 400 kV ion implanter.a I.7 MV tandem accelerator, and a vacuum evaporator for surface modification and analysis. The position also involves assisting with experiments, which will involve frequent interactionswith students.faculty.and technical staff.
Please submit resume and addresses of three references to Prof. G.S. Was, Department of Nuclear Engineering, 213 Cooley Bldg., The University of Michigan, Ann The position involves operating, maintain- Arbor, MI 48109; (313) 763-4675. ing, and upgrading a 2 MV Van de Graaff The University ol Michigan is an Equal Opportunity.'Altirmalive
Aclion Employer.
Environmental Impacts of the First Kind What picture immediately comes to mind when you hear the words "environmental impact"? I envision some aspect of man's industrial technology pummeling the biosphere. Clean air, potable water, our nontoxic food chain, healthy flora and fauna, the surfaces of our objets d'art, and, ultimately, life on the planet are all under attack from the noxious byproducts of our industrialized Society. Is it any wonder we automatically picture these assaults. What preoccupied our ancestors in earlier, simpler times was not what man could do to the natural environment but what the natural environment could do to man. The latter is an environmental impact of the first kind. Today we are still occasionally reminded of our vulnerabiliry to the immense forces of a natural disaster—the earthquake in Mexico and the floods in B
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