Family, Household and Work

 During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a home-managing woman living together for their whole life times, and having one or more children, which pri

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John Ermisch Bengt-Arne Wickstrom Klaus F. Zimmermann

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH

Titles in the Series Jacques 1. Siegers . Jenny de Jong-Gierveld . Evert van Imhoff (Eds.) Female Labour Market Behaviour and Fertility Hendrik P. van Dalen Economic Policy in a Demographically Divided World Dieter Bas· Sijbren Cnossen (Eds.) Fiscal Implications of an Aging Population Klaus F.Zimmermann (Ed.) Migration and Economic Development Nico Heerink Population Growth, Income Distribution, and Economic Development (out of print) Tommy Bengtsson (Ed.) Population, Economy, and Welfare in Sweden 1. Haisken-De New Migration and the Inter-Industry Wage Structure in Germany

D. A. Ahlburg . A. C. Kelley . K. Oppenheim Mason (Eds.) The Impact of Population Growth on Well-being in Developing Countries Bonin Generational Accounting

Klaus F. Zimmermann Michael Vogler Editors

Family, Household and Work With 26 Figures and 106 Tables


Professor Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann Dr. Michael Vogler Forschun gsinstitui zur Zukunft der Arbeil (IZA) Scha umburg-Lippe-SlraBe 7-9 53113 Bonn, Ge rma ny Homepage: www.iza.or g

ISBN 978-3-642-62439-1 ISBN 978-3-642-55573-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55573-2 BiMiogra phic informal ion published by Oie Deersche Bibliol;hek D ie Deutsc he B ibliot hek lish Ih is pubtica lio n in IIM: De etscbe Nlltionalbibliogr alie; 4etai kd bibliographic da la available in t he inl ernc:1 al 'mpJ/ Th is wor k is subiecl to copyright . A II righls are reserved, whether Ihe wtlole or pa " o f lhe mater ial i, ccncemed.specmcafty Ihe rig tlls o f translanon. rep rin ling. reuse o f iIluSlral ions, re cit,lIlion. broadcasl ing, reprod uct ion on microlilm o r in an y Ol tler way, and seorage in d ata bank$. Duplicat ion of ltlis pubfication o r part e lh er eof is permiued only und e r t he provision s of the G erma n Co pyrighl Law o f Sept embe r 9,1965. in its curre nt ve rslo a, a nd pe rmission for use must always be ob ta ine d from Sprin ge r-Vertag. Violalio liS are liab le for prose ccnon unde r the G erman Co Pyrillhl Law. htlp:llwww.spri nge r.4e CI Springer·Verlag Be rlin Heidelberg 2003 Oris:irvJly published by SpringCl", Verille Berlin Heidelberg New York io 2(0) soneo ver reprin l o f thc: twdcover 1si edi tion 2003 The USoC of ge neral descript ive O1Imes.registered n,ames.. lJademarts.ele. in l his publialtion dces noi imply. eve n io the abseece of II speci fic Slaleme nt. t ha l sueh names are u empt frOfll Ihe relevant prceecnve laws and regulalions and therefore frec for general U$C.

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Demographic changes are now at the heart of the development of the economy. Within the area of Population Economics, the interest in household and family issues has been steadily rising in the last few years, which is reflected in the number of papers published by scientific journals, and in the programs of economics conferences. While this interest was fostered by rapid a