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NRC Math Survey Challenges Industry, Academia, Government
The survey report makes two primary recommendations to the mathematical sciences community: To significantly increase its rôle in the transfer of mathematical sciences technology; and to put far greater A recently released report from the Naemphasis on and give greater career récogtional Research Council's Board on Mathenition to activities connected with compumatical Sciences has determined that "the tational and mathematical modeling, mathematical sciences are vital to écotechnology transfer, and éducation. nomie competitiveness and that they are a critical, generic, and enabling technology." Among other spécifie recommendaThe report, Mathematical Sciences, Tech- tions, the reports suggests coopérative renology, and Economie Competitiveness, exam- search and éducation programs, as well as the development of new course materials ines this conclusion from several points of to teach modeling and the industrial appliview: cation of mathematics. • The compétitive positions of five indusIn describing the importance of mathetries (aircraft, semiconductors and commatics to competitiveness and technology puters, petroleum, automobiles, and transfer, the report explains that mathetélécommunications), their dependence matical concepts affect thinking in many on advanced technology, and the rôle unrelated fields: "Mathematical models mathematical sciences hâve played in supestablished by engineers for fluid flow turn port of advanced technology; up in transportation studies and in éco• Key économie functions and activities, nomies; .... Differential équations describe including the entire product cycle; and weather forecasting models, semiconduc• Economie competitiveness and the rôle tor behavior, and crystallization of subof mathematics in technology transfer and stances...." éducation.
The 114-page report is available for $22.00 (prepaid) plus shipping from the National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418; phone (800) 624-6242 or (202) 334-3313.
Panel Says Mandatory Retirement for Professors Should Be Eliminated Faculty at institutions of higher leaming should not be required to retire when they reach âge 70, concludes a National Research Council report, Ending Mandatory Retirement for Tenured Faculty: The ConséquencesforHigher Education. The report recommends that an exemption to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1986, which permits the mandatory retirement of tenured faculty, be allowed to expire at the end of 1993. The 1986 act prohibits mandatory retirement âges for most workers, but contains an exemption for tenured faculty at collèges and universities until 1994. The U.S. Congress asked the NRC to détermine if
MATEC pulsed R.F. instruments... expanding your test and measurement potential.
Let MATEC manual and computer-controlled r.f. instruments expand your potential for a variety of ultrasonic test and measurement applications. Toneburst puises generated by MATEC instruments penetrate highly attenuating materi
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