Gasification of food waste with steam in fluidized bed

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Gasification of Food Waste with Steam in Fluidized Bed Moon Kyu Kff, Won-Young Lee, Seong-Bo Kim*, Kyu-Wan Lee* and ttai-Soo Chun*'* DepL of Chemical Engineering. Konyang Univershy, Nonsan. Chtmgnmn 320-O30. Korea *Advanced Chemical Technology Division, Korea Research tnstilule of Chemical Technology, RO. Box 107, Yusung, Da,,~eon 3054R)6, Korea **Dept. oF Chemical Engineering. Korea University. Seoul 136-701. Korea (Receired 5 March 2#01 9 accepted 20 ,hdy 2#Ult

Abstraei-Biolnass has became an imD~dant renex~able alternali~c el~erg) rc.~mree. MilDm txuis r IUtxl sludge. ~hich is ditlicult to handle of iL',rank smell al M ,~ater c, mtent, is generated in K~nva. fhcnnochemical con~cr,4t~n [s tree war tt~ tureen bkm~as.,,m ellelgI: it can b~: divided intu carbamD.atitm, tiqurfucdon, and ga.,,ifitxttiot~. ('arN_~ni,'ati~,nof[i ~od waste wa.', carried out in u corn entional .,,tain[e.~b~,tec] aatt~cla~e tff 2 1, cupav'it) N diflierc~d temperatures. Sil~.'e g-tsi fieation produces h) dr~ge~ Hich s} nthesis gas. u hich can t~ used fi~r reed ILmO[sX.~lthesis,gasil]cati,~n of ~.'arNmL,ed u~[~d was studied i~ ~ e tluid[/.ed-bed ga~ifier. The reaction paramete> in fl~e gasilicatio~ ut" carb,ni/ed .did~ were im,'e>tigaled. Ke~ v~ur&: Biomass, l:tx~d Wa.~Ie.(;asificadun. FluldL'.r lied INTRODUCTION Biomass, such as w ~ l . bark mill residue. ~riculmr-a[ and ft• wastes, manure, and ocean p '[ants etc., haa INx.'nar~ irrOJrtant renu~vable ultra-native enev-O-re~varce. Million tons of ft• sludge, which is uncut 31) pe.~x:entof'was|e fix~,nhomes, is generat~xt in Korea and varkvas mcth{xts to ~eat this waste have been dcvdop~x{ [Fung and Kim, IOtXKKhn et aL, 1996: Yoon. 1998]. La~dfilling post:s a preebIem ofgr~vand w~er tx)lludon and difficull,e ofa.valamadon. Alternaive methods to ~ a t the problem are c~mvcrsion m alcohol and oganic fertilizer by Notrc~anent, but ~ e ~ mcthtxls have tilnitafions for ~a~ge amounls of waste and more effective meth~v,ts ne~.'d to be developed. Th~wmocl~nical amveesion, which is one oflhe melh~ds io ct~w:rl biomass u~ enegI', can be divided into cartxmizatkm, l i q u e ~ tion and gasification [1N~te, I ~)3: Gang et al., i 988; Mallya and Hell, I988: Manialis and Buckcns, 1988: Lee et aL 20(~0f Gasification has the merit of producing hydmgenMch synthesis gts. which can be u~'d as fe~xtstock fbr iraermextiate of fin~ chemicals [Chen, l~_M: Ganesh et aL 1092; Garcia el al., I998: Lee et aL 1999t. ]l~e aim of this work was lhe deveNpment of a new ,2_a-tsification sys|em fi,~m ft~d waste. First, this study was inten&'d to devdop a them~al nlcthod to ~ a t w~ste oblained from me.~s Mils to ~ r [• solid. Second. synthetic gas was printed bs., gasification of carlxmized solid in a fluidized4x.'d. The effects of various Nctors on cartxmized mlids and fo~matkrn ofsynd~v.'sis~ s were investigated.

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., g__,_:>-~ Fig. 1. Expeliment~t ~heme for the carbonization of food waste. l. Nitrogen cy linder 2. Electric heater

3. Autoclave 4. Back pr