Geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic Intrusions, Geochronology and Isotopic Constraints on the Xiaonanshan Cu-Ni Deposit

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Geocchemistry of th he Mesooprotero ozoic In ntrusion ns, Geochronologgy and Isotopic I c Consttraints on o the Xiaonan X nshan Cu-Ni C Deposiit along the Noorthern Margin n of thee North China Craton n 1 Zhiguang Zhou Z *1, 2, Jiangwei J Wu u3, Yi Niu4, Guosheng G Wang W , Chen Wu W 1, Changgfeng Liu2, Juncheng Ju5

1. School of Earth E Sciences and Resourcess, China Univerrsity of Geoscieences, Beijing 100083, China 2. Instittute of Geologiccal Survey, Chiina University of o Geosciences, Beijing 1000833, China 3. Minmetals Exploration E & Development D Co o., Ltd., Beijingg 100010, Chinaa 4. Tianjinn Institute of Geeological Survey ey, Tianjin 3001191, China 5. Expploration and Development D Reesearch Institutte of PetroChina, Liaohe Oilfieeld Company, P Panjin 124000, China Z Zhiguang Zhou: https://orcid.o org/0000-0001-66191-8112 AB BSTRACT: Mesoproterozoic M c magma even nts in the Bay yan Obo rift belt b have remaained poorly conc strrained and as a result, the Late L Paleoprotterozoic–Mesop proterozoic tectonic evolutioon of the rift belt b haas remained un nclear. By a multiple-facette m d regional geo ological investiigation of this belt, we have resollved the stratiggraphic sequen nce and geoch hronology of th he Bayan Obo Group and m made new disco overiees including a three-stage mantle-derived m d magmatic sequence. s Zirccon and badd deleyite dating g of Xiiaonanshan hornblende pyrooxenite emplacced into the Ba ayan Obo Grou up yields 207Pb b/206Pb ages off ca. 1.334 and 1.33 Ga. G The geochrronological, geeochemistry, Hf H isotopic anaalyses place an n important conc strraint on ages of o the Late Paaleoproterozoicc–Mesoprotero ozoic strata an nd the evolutioon of the rift belt. b Ou ur field observvations and U-P Pb dating resu ults suggest tha at mineralizatiion is geneticallly related to MeM sop proterozoic magmatism in North N China Craton, C i.e., 1.3 33–1.34 Ga. The T δ34SV-CDT vvalues of sulph hide froom the ore-beaaring ultra-/m mafic samples are a about 6.2‰ ‰, whereas th he 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/ 204Pb, and a 2088 204 Pb/ Pb valuees vary in the ranges of 17.5598–18.115, 15.496–15.501, and a 37.478–37..952, respectiv vely. Th he Late Paleozzoic mafic gabb bro and acidicc granite porph hyry intrusion ns are possible to bimodal magm maatic event relatted to the exten nsional tectoniic setting of thee Central Asia in this period.. KE EY WORDS: Bayan B Obo rifft belt, North China C Craton,, Late Paleoprroterozoic–Messoproterozoic tect ton nic evolution, Mesoproterozo M oic mineralizattion, Pb-S isoto opic analysis. 0

INTRODU UCTION The asseembly of a possible Mesoprooterozoic Coluumbia supercontinentt through Earthh history is widely w linked too the crustal growthh mode, tectoniic evolution, seecular mantle evvolution, and globbal metallogenyy (e.g., Ning et al., 2019; Kuskky et al., 2018, 20166; Wu et al., 20018, 2016; Zhanng et al., 2017, 2012, 2009; Wang J P et al., 2015,, 2013; Zhai ett al., 2014; Li et e al., 2013; Zhai annd Santosh, 2013; Kusky andd Li, 2010; Sanntosh, 201