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Pulseless ventricular tachycardia and cardiac arrest: case report A 62-year-old man developed pulseless ventricular tachycardia and cardiac arrest following the administration of haloperidol for delirium. The man was hospitalised to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 16 hours post a road traffic injury. On further examination, the left lower limb was cold to touch. Additionally, pallor, painful and paraesthesia was noted in the left lower limb. Pulse was absent in the left anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery, popliteal artery and femoral artery. Routine blood investigations (complete blood count, liver function test, kidney function test, serum electrolytes and coagulation profile) were found to be normal. A contrast enhanced tomography (CECT) of the torso showed grade III splenic injury. A CT angiography of the lower limbs showed thrombus in the left common iliac artery. He was taken to the operation theatre, and left hip disarticulation and external fixation of both bones of the right leg were done. In the postoperative period, he was taken to the ICU for further resuscitation and management. He underwent multiple surgeries [details not stated] and was kept in the ICU for 34 days. After 32 days in the ICU, he developed features of psychosis and was diagnosed with delirium. Consequently, he received IV haloperidol 2.5mg. Two minutes after haloperidol administration, he developed pulseless ventricular tachycardia with absent carotid and femoral pulses followed by cardiac arrest. Immediately, the man underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation as per the Advanced Cardiac Life Support guidelines. Cardioversion was given for four times. He also received adrenaline. He was reviewed after 5 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation [outcomes not stated]. Dar PM-U-D, et al. Haloperidol Induced Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Report of a Very Rare Case and Review of Literature. Case Reports Psychiatry 2020: 2020. Available from: 803500131 URL: http://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1836716

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