Higher-order Monotone Functions and Probability Theory
From topological properties of the cone of real functions with higher order monotonicity properties, we derive an extreme point Choquet representation theorem; this, in fact, follows from Krein-Milman’s theory, since there is a natural compact convex base
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FoundingEditors: M . Beckmann H. P. Kiinzi Managing Editors: Prof. Dr. G . Fandel FachbereichWirtschaftswissenschaften FemuniversitatHagen Feithstr.140/AVZ II , 58084 Hagen,Germany Prof. Dr. W. Trockel Institutfur MathematischeWirtschaftsfor schung (IMW) UniversitatBielefeld Universitatsstr , 25, 33615 Bielefeld,Germany Co-Editors: C. D .Aliprantis,Dan Kovenock EditorialBoard: P. Bardsley,A. Basile,M .R. Baye, T. Cason, R. Deneckere, A . Drexl, G. Feichtinger , M . Florenzano,W. Giith, K. Inderfurth,M . Kaneko, P. Korhonen, W. Kiirsten, M. Li Calzi, P. K. Monteiro, Ch . Noussair,G . Philips, U . Schittko, P. Schonfeld,R . Selten, G. Sorger, R. Steuer, F. Vega-Redondo,A. P. Villamil, M. Wooders
Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo
Nicolas Hadjisavvas JuanEnriqueMartfnez-Legaz Jean-PaulPenot (Eds.)
GeneralizedConvexity and GeneralizedMonotonicity Proceedingsof the 6thInternationalS ymposium on GeneralizedConvexity/Monotonicity ,Samos, September1999
Editors Prof. N. Hadjisavvas D epartmentof Mathematics Uni versityof the Aegean 83200 Karlovassi/Samo s,Greece
Prof. J.E. Martfnez-Legaz CODE and Department of Economics UniversitatAutonomade Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra,Spain
Prof. J.-P. Penot D epartmentof Mathematics Faculty of Sciences Uni versitede Pau 64000 Pau,France
C atalo ging-in-Publicat iondata applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek- CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Generalizedconvexity and generalized monotonicity : proceedings of the 6th Internation al Symposium on Generalized ConvexitylMonotonicity , Samos, September1999/Nicolas Hadjisavvas ... (ed.).- Berlin; Heidelberg; New York ; Barcelona; Hong Kong ; L ondon; Milan ; Paris ; Singapore; Tokyo : Springer, 200 1 (Lecture not es in economics and mathem atical systems; 502) ISBN 3-540-41806-7
ISSN 0075-8450 ISBN 3-540-4 1806-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Thi s work is subjectto copyright.All rights are reserved,whetherthe whole or part of the materialis concerned,specificall ythe rightsof translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations,recitation , broadcasting ,reproduct ion on microfilms or in any other way, and storagein data banks. Dupl ication of this publication or parts thereofis permittedonly underthe provisions of the GermanCopyrightL aw of September 9, 1965, in its currentversion, and eprmi ssionfor use must always be obtainedfrom Springer-Verlag. V iolationsare liable for prosecuti onunder the GermanCopyright La w. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg N ew York a memberof BertelsmannSpringer Science-BusinessMedi a GmbH http://www . springer .de © Springer-VerlagB erlin Heidelberg2001 The use of general descripti venames, registerednames, trade marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absenceof a specific statement , that such names are exempt from the er le vantprotective laws and regul ations a nd therefore free for general use. Typesetting:Camera ready by author Printed on acid-free paper SPIN : 10833 049
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