in the final analysis

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REPORT Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

LQWKHÀQDODQDO\VLV “It’s a competitive world, everything counts in large amounts.” — Depeche Mode, “Everything Counts”


Volume 72 Number 9

September 2020 Be it as a student or a professional, one constant in my life is that I generally have music SOD\LQJDVDQDFFRPSDQLPHQWGXULQJZRUNDQGDWOHLVXUH,QWKHR൶FH,NHHSLWSROLWHO\ORZ of course, but it’s always there helping me along. During my “adulting” period in the 1980s when I came to work for TMS, the background soundtrack of my life was rich with the tasty SRVWSXQNSRSURFNFDOOHG³1HZ:DYH´'HSHFKH0RGHLVD¿QHH[HPSODURIWKLVJHQUH 'R yourself a favor: Tell your smart speaker, “Play ‘Enjoy the Silence’ by Depeche Mode.”) My early days with the Society were especially focused on JOM. As I checked to see if equations balanced and considered the internal consistency in tables and graphs within our papers, the lyric on the radio would remind me that everything counts in large amounts . . . and the voice inside my head would add, “in small amounts, too.” Beyond the numbers reported in the journal, we naturally wanted to collect and understand numbers about the journal. Did the readers appreciate what we published? What was being read? What topics generated the most interest? The same questions still apply today, but the methods toward improving our understanding have changed considerably.  %DFNLQWKHSUH,QWHUQHWDQGSUH([FHOGD\VRXUH൵RUWVHQWDLOHGPDLOLQJSKRWRFRSLHVRI each month’s table of contents to selected readers and stakeholders. We would ask them to rate HDFKDUWLFOHRQDVFDOHRI SRRU WR H[FHOOHQW DQGWKHQPDLOWKHSKRWRFRS\EDFNWRXVIRU WDEXODWLRQ$IHZPRQWKVDQGVRPHSHQFLODQGHUDVHUWLPHODWHUZHZRXOGW\SLFDOO\¿QGWKDWWKH SHUSDSHUDYHUDJHIHOOLQWKH±UDQJH3UHWW\JRRG,QWKHVZHWRRNDTXDQWXPOHDS and switched our focus from photocopied mailings to reviewing journal Impact Factor ratings. In those olden times, the JOM’s,PSDFW)DFWRUZDVDURXQG7RGD\LWVLWVDWDUHVSHFWDEOH 2.029. Impact Factor very much matters to researchers and publishers, but in more recent years we complement this by looking at download statistics as well. Every paper published by JOM resides on the SpringerLink website and every download is counted. TMS members get all of WKLVFRQWHQWDWQRFRVW)RUWKH¿UVWKDOIRIKHUHDUHWKHPRVWGRZQORDGHGSDSHUV 2013: “Lithium: Sources, Production, Uses, and Recovery Outlook,” by Laura Talens 3HLUyHWDO GRZQORDGV 2016: “Current and Prospective Li-Ion Battery Recycling and Recovery Processes,” by -RVHSK+HHODQHWDO  2016: “Materials Selection in Gas Turbine Engine Design and the Role of Low Thermal ([SDQVLRQ0DWHULDOV´E\%HQMDPLQ:/DJRZ  ³5HYLHZRIWKH0HWKRGVIRU3URGXFWLRQRI6SKHULFDO7LDQG7L$OOR\3RZGHU´E\ 3HL6XQHWDO  ³7RZDUG/RZ&RVW+LJK(QHUJ\'HQVLW\DQG+LJK3RZHU'HQVLW\/LWKLXP,RQ %DWWHULHV´E\-LDQ