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REPORT Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

LQWKHÀQDODQDO\VLV “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” —Unknown


Volume 72

Number 11 November 2020

Even in a year disrupted by COVID-19, there is an unbreakable rhythm and cadence to a professional association such as TMS. It is a routine as steady and predictable as the metronomic publication of a monthly journal or the orchestration of conducting an annual meeting. One of the whole notes in the TMS sheet music is the annual election of new members to sit on the TMS Board of Directors. The election process begins with the submission of candidates for open Board positions by January 15th and ends the subsequent August 15th, when the President declares the slate of candidates elected. The election of Board members is a notable event as TMS is a membership organization. The Board represents all TMS members. The membership empowers the Board of Directors with broad authority to act on behalf of the membership and to represent member interests. 7KH%RDUGFUHDWHVFRPPLWWHHVVHWVVWUDWHJLHVDQGSROLFLHVDSSURYHVKRZWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWV DUHHPSOR\HGDQGGHOHJDWHVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVWRYROXQWHHUERGLHVDQGVWD൵7KH\DOVRFRQWUDFW an executive director to manage the headquarters and run the business enterprise. Our TMS Board consists of 14 volunteers, each of whom serves three-year terms. There DUHWKUHHLQGLYLGXDOVLQWKH3UHVLGHQWLDO&\FOHRQH)LQDQFLDO3ODQQLQJ2൶FHU¿YH7HFKQLFDO 'LYLVLRQ&KDLUVDQG¿YH)XQFWLRQDO$UHD'LUHFWRUV)RUWKHFRPLQJHOHFWLRQF\FOH¿YH positions are open and nominations are solicited for two of those positions. (The other three positions are chairs of Technical Divisions; they are elected but bypass the nomination step.) The two positions for which nominations are solicited are Presidential Cycle and Membership and Student Development Director. The Board nomination process can be confusing as it is rigorous out of necessity. All details are on the TMS website—look under the “About” tab of the main menu. While the process is well documented, there are urban legends about submitting a Board nomination that are simply not factual. A few of these are myths that I can dispel: • Someone has to nominate you for a Board position. No, any member can self-nominate. • Only a Vice Chair can apply for a Functional Area Director position. No, any member can apply. • ,I\RXDUHQRWVHOHFWHGWKH¿UVWWLPH\RX¶OOQHYHUEHVHOHFWHGNo, the Society is working hard to encourage multiple exceptional candidates for each position every year. Not everyone can be picked at once, so please don’t be discouraged and submit again. • 3UHVLGHQWLDO&\FOHFDQGLGDWHVDUHVHOHFWHGEDVHGRQDQLQGXVWU\JRYHUQPHQWDFDGHPLD rotation. No, there is no rotation. • $FDQGLGDWHIRUWKH3UHVLGHQWLDO&\FOHPXVWKDYHSDVW%RDUGVHUYLFH No, TMS Board experience is not required. • 2QO\