Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing

Choose ten major contemporary diasporic writers (from Abdulrazak to Zadie), ask ten leading authorities to write about their use of metaphor, and this is the result: a timely reassertion of metaphor's unrivalled capacity to encompass sameness and differen

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Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing

Edited by

Jonathan P. A. Sell University of Alcalá, Spain

Introduction, selection and editorial matter © Jonathan P. A. Sell 2012 Individual chapters © contributors 2012 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2012 978-0-230-31422-1

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For Fernando Galván

Contents Acknowledgements


Notes on Contributors


Introduction: Metaphor and Diaspora Jonathan P. A. Sell


1 Tropes of Diasporic Life in the Work of Nadeem Aslam Chris Weedon


2 Becoming Foreign: Tropes of Migrant Identity in Three Novels by Abdulrazak Gurnah Felicity Hand


3 ‘My split self and my split world’: Troping Identity in Mohsin Hamid’s Fiction Adriano Elia


4 ‘Beige outlaws’: Hanif Kureishi, Miscegenation and Diasporic Experience Ruth Maxey


5 Metaphors of Belonging in Andrea Levy’s Small Island Sofía Muñoz-Valdivieso


6 Ancestry, Uncertainty and Dislocation in V. S. Naipaul’s Half a Life Enrique Galván-Álvarez


7 Jewish/Postcolonial Diasporas in the Work of Caryl Phillips Stef Craps


8 Metaphors of the Secular in the Fiction of Salman Rushdie Stephen Morton


9 White Teeth’s Embodied Metaphors: The Moribund and the Living Isabel Carrera Suárez