Primitive Automorphic Forms
There seems to be a marvellous interaction taking place between mathematical physics and mathematics in the area of geometry, demanding a greater contribution from non-commutative structures and higher cohomologies. It may require a revolutional extension
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Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo
Bjorn Engquist Wilfried Schmid Editors
AND BEYOND With 127 Figures Including 91 Portraits and 7 Tables
in Colour
Cente r for Parallel Computers Roya l Institute of Technoiogy ( KTH ) Linds ledtsvagen 25 10044 Stoc kho lm. Sweden engquist @nada.kt
Depanment of Mathe matics Ha rvard U nive rs it y Cambridge. MA 02 138-290 1. USA sc hmid @
"d Depanment of Mathematics University o f California at Los Ange le s 3 148 Murphy Hall. 7619A MSB Los Ange le s. CA 90095~ 1555. USA engquisl@ ma th
A reg ul ar edition (as a s ingle vol ume) of thi s book is available under the same title w ith the ISBN. I): 978·)·642·6) 114--6
Librnty of Congres5 Clualoging-i n·Publication Data applied for
Die Deutsche BibliOlhek - CIP·Einheit5aufnahme Mathematics un limited - 200 1 and beyond I BjOm Engq uist : Wil fried Schmid ed.Collector's ed.Berlin : Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona ; Hong Kong : London : Milan ; Paris: Singapore : Tokyo : Springer ~ I S BN- I ); 978-j~2-S6478-9 ISBN· I): 978·)-642--6) 114-6 001: 10.10071978-j-642·56478·9
PI. 2. - (2001 ) Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 00-02, 0)-XX. 05-X X. II·X X. 14·XX, 34· XX. )5· XX. 46-XX. 47·XX, 49-XX, 5 1· XX. 52·XX. 53-XX , 55-XX, 57- XX. 5S·XX. 6()..XX, 65-XX, 68-XX, 7Q.XX. 7)-XX. 76-XX. SI-XX. S3- XX , 8S-XX , 9().XX. 92-XX. 94·XX
(Pans I and II as a set in 2 volumes) IS BN· 13: 978·3-642·63114-6 Springer· Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rightS are reserved. whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. specifically the ri ghts of tran slation. repri nting. reuse of ill ustrations. recitation. broadcastin g. reproduction on microfilm or in any othe r way. and storage in data banks. Duplica tion of this publication or pans thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Gennan Copyrigh t Law of September 9, 1965, in itscurrent version. and pennission for use mu st always be obtained from Springer- Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the Gennan Copyri gh t Law. Springer-Verlag Berli n H eidelberg New York a member of Ben elsmannSpringer Science+Media Business GmbH
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Preface Ein neues Lied, ein besseres Lied, o Freunde, will ich Euch dichten! *
A new song, a better song, My friends, I intend to com