Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering

Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering systematically introduces the research work on the Finite Element Method (FEM), which was completed by Prof. Yu-qiu Long and his research group in the past 25 years. Seven original theoretical achie

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Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering

Yu-Qiu Long Song Cen Zhi-Fei Long

Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering With 219 figures

AUTHORS: Yu-Qiu Long Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China

Song Cen School of Aerospace of Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China

Zhi-Fei Long School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering of China University of Mining & Technology 100083 Beijing China

___________________________________________________________ ISBN 978-7-302-18889-6 Tsinghua University Press, Beijing ISBN 978-3-642-00315-8 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York e ISBN 978-3-642-00316-5 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ___________________________________________________________ Library of Congress Control Number: 2009921171 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © 2009 Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg Co-published by Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg Springer is a part of Springer Science+Business Media The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design: Frido Steinen-Broo, EStudio Calamar, Spain Printed on acid-free paper

Yu-Qiu Long Song Cen Zhi-Fei Long

ள‫ۋ‬థᬌЊ᝶ üü㒧ᵘᎹ⿟Ёⱘ催ㄝ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬ᮍ⊩

Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering

‫ ݙ‬ᆍ ㅔ ҟ ᴀкᰃ೼Ё᭛ϧ㨫ljᮄൟ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬䆎NJ˄2004 ᑈ⠜˅ⱘ෎⸔Ϟ㸹‫ܙ‬њ 2004 ᑈ㟇 2008 ᑈᳳ䯈ⱘᮄ៤ᵰ᠔᪄‫ⱘݭ‬㣅᭛ϧ㨫ˈᰃ啭偁⧗䰶຿ǃብᵒम຿੠啭ᖫ亲ᬭᥜঞ݊ⷨお㒘 ໮ᑈᴹ೼ᮄൟ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬ᮍ䴶ⷨお៤ᵰⱘ㋏㒳䆎䗄DŽܼкߚЎ 20 ゴDŽ䰸佪ሒϸゴ໪ˈ݊ԭ 18 ゴߚЎ 3 ㆛˖㄀ 1 ㆛ᰃবߚॳ⧚䖯ሩˈҟ㒡ߚऎ੠৿খবߚॳ⧚ 2 乍៤ᵰ˗ᅗӀЎᵘ 䗴ᮄൟ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬䍋ࠄ⧚䆎ᣛᇐ԰⫼DŽ㄀ 2 ㆛ᰃ᳝䰤‫⊩ܗ‬䖯ሩ߱䆎ˈ䞡⚍ҟ㒡ᑓНण䇗‫˗ܗ‬䖭 ᰃ೼ण䇗‫ܗ‬Ϣ䴲ण䇗‫ܗ‬П䯈঺䕳ⱘᮄ䏃ˈՓण䇗䯂乬੠ᬊᬯ䯂乬ᕫࠄড়⧚㾷‫ˈއ‬ऩ‫ܗ‬ᵘ 䗴ᮍḜৃҹ♉⌏Ӭ䗝ˈᄺ⾥‫ݙ‬ᆍᕫࠄ‫ܙ‬ᅲ᳈ᮄ˗ᑓНण䇗‫ܗ‬ᰃᮄൟ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬ᮍ䴶ⱘЏ㽕៤ ᵰˈ೼ᴀкЁ䍋Ḍᖗ԰⫼DŽ㄀ 3 ㆛ᰃ᳝䰤‫⊩ܗ‬䖯ሩ㓁䆎ˈ㸹‫ܙ‬ҟ㒡 4 乍៤ᵰˈࣙᣀߚऎ ⏋ড়‫⊩ܗ‬ǃ㾷ᵤ䆩ߑ᭄⊩ǃ㄀ϔ੠㄀Ѡ㉏ಯ䖍ᔶ䴶⿃തᷛ⊩੠ḋᴵߑ᭄᳝䰤‫ˈ⊩ܗ‬೼ᴀ кЁ䍋䫺Ϟ⏏㢅԰⫼DŽᴀк䖬㒧ড় 7 乍៤ᵰⱘ䆎䗄ˈҟ㒡њᘏ݅ 108 ϾⳌ݇ⱘᮄऩ‫ܗ‬DŽ ᴀкৃ԰Ў催ㄝᄺ᷵࡯ᄺǃೳ᳼ǃᴎẄㄝϧϮⷨお⫳੠催ᑈ㑻ᴀ⾥⫳ⱘᬭᴤ੠খ㗗 кˈгৃկⳌ݇乚ඳᬭᏜ੠⾥ᡔҎਬখ㗗DŽ ᴀкᇕ䴶䌈᳝⏙ढ໻ᄺߎ⠜⼒䰆Ӿᷛㅒˈ᮴ᷛㅒ㗙ϡᕫ䫔ଂDŽ ⠜ᴗ᠔᳝ˈ։ᴗᖙおDŽ։ᴗВ᡹⬉䆱˖010-62782989 13701121933 ೒к೼⠜㓪Ⳃ(CIP)᭄᥂ ᮄൟ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬䆎üü㒧ᵘᎹ⿟Ёⱘ催ㄝ᳝䰤‫ܗ‬ᮍ⊩= Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering: 㣅᭛/啭偁⧗ˈብᵒˈ啭ᖫ亲㨫. ü࣫Ҁ˖⏙ढ໻ᄺߎ⠜⼒ˈ2008.12 ISBN 978-7-302-18889-6 ĉ.ᮄĂ Ċ.ķ啭Ă ĸብĂ Ĺ啭Ă ċ.᳝䰤‫ߚܗ‬ᵤ– 㣅᭛ Č.O241.82 Ё೑⠜ᴀ೒к佚 CIP ᭄᥂Ḍᄫ(2008)㄀ 175870 ো 䋷ӏ㓪䕥˖ᕤᰧ亲 ⥟⍋➩ 䋷ӏ᷵ᇍ˖⥟⎥ѥ 䋷ӏॄࠊ˖ᄳ޵⥝ ߎ⠜থ㸠˖⏙ढ໻ᄺߎ⠜⼒ ഄ ഔ˖࣫Ҁ⏙ढ໻ᄺᄺⷨ໻ॺ A ᑻ 䚂 㓪˖100084 ⼒ ᘏ ᴎ˖010-62770175 䚂 䌁˖0