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Upcoming: July 28 - August 2, International Workshop on Science and Technology of Thin Films for the 21 st Century; July 29-31, Epitaxial Materials and In-Situ Processing for Optoelectronic Devices; July 31 - August 2, Microfabrication for Photonics and Optoelectronics. To list an event In the Calendar, contact J. Dininny, Materials Research Society, 9800 McKnight Road, Pittsburgh, PA15237; (412) 367-3036; fax (412) 367-4373. MRS (Materials Research Society), E-MRS (European Materials Research Society, MRS-I (Materials Research Society of Indla), MRS-J (Materials Research Society of Japan), or IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) at the end of an entry Indicates sponsorshlp or co-sponsorship of a meeting. Endorsed" Identifies meetings endorsed byMRS. • identifies a new or revised entry thismonth. See the May 1991 MRS BULLETIN for Calendar entries from July 1-31,1991. AUGUST 1991 4-9 International Conférence on the Physics ot Noncrystalline Solids Cambridge, England L. D. Pye, Director, Institute of Glass Science and Engineering, New \tork State Collège of Ceramics, Alfred University, Alfred, NY14802; (607)871-2432. 5-9 38th International Field Emission Symposium Vienna, Austria J. Mitterauer, 38th IFES, Institut fuir Allgemeine Electroteknik und Elektronik Technische Universitàt Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, A1040 Wien, Austria; 43-22258801-3870; fax 43-222-505-2666. 7-9 Short Course on High Resolution X-Ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and X-Ray Topography of Semiconductors and Epitaxial Thin Films Honolulu, HW North Eastem Analytical Corp., 17 Sherman Rd., P.O. Box 25, M i s , MA 02054; (508) 376-4132; fax (508) 376-8687. 12-16 6th International Conférence on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Related Techniques Interlaken, Switzeriand Ch. Gerber, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Lab, CH-8803Rueschlikon, Switzeriand.
18-21 Copper '91: Economies, Minerai Processing, Extractive Metallurgy, and Applications Ottawa, Ontario, Canada TMS, Commonwealth Dr, Warrendale, PA 15086; (412) 7769050; fax (412) 776-3770 18-31 NATO Advanced Study Institute: Physics and Materials Science of High Tc Superconductors II Halkidiki, Greece R. Kossowsky, 6327 Burchfield Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217; (412) 421-4408; fax (412) 421-4342. 19-23 4th International Conférence on Energy Puise and Particle Beam Modification of Materials Dresden, Germany E. Richter, EPM '91, Zentralinstjtut fur Kemforschung Rossendorf, Postfach 19,8051 Dresden, Germany. 19-23 International Conférence on Physics in Two Dimensions Neuchatel, Switzeriand T. Schneider, IBM Research Div., Zurich Research Lab, CH-8803 Rùschlikon, Switzeriand; fax 41-1-7240084. 20-22 Applied Diamond Conférence Aubum, AL ADC '91 Secrétariat, 200 Broun Hall, Electrical Engineering, Aubum University, Aubum, AL 36849-5201; (205)844-2427; fax (205) 844-2432 or-1809. 20-22 Conférence on Materials for Electronic Packaging Buffalo, NY D.D.L. Chung, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, State University of New >brk at Buffalo, Buffalo, N