Combinatorial Mathematics IV Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Co
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Vol. 371. V. Poenaru, Analyse Dtfferenttelle. V, 228 pages. 1974. Vol. 372: Proceedmgs of the Second lnternaltonal Conference on the Theory of Groups 1973. Edtted by M. F. Newman. VII, 740 pages. 1974. Vol. 373: A E R. Woodcock and T. Poston, A Geometrical Study of the Elementary Catastrophes V, 257 pages. 1974.
Vol. 345: Proceedmgs of a Conference on Operator Theory. Edtled by P. A Fillmore. VI, 228 pages. 1973.
Vol. 374: S. Yamamuro, Differenltal Calculus '" Topologtcal Ltnear Spaces. IV, 179 pages. 1974.
Vol. 346: Fucik et al., Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators. II. 287 pages. 1973.
Vol. 375: Topology Conference. Edited by R. F. Dickman Jr. and P. Fletcher. X, 283 pages 1974.
Vol. 347: J. M. Boardman and R. M. Vogt, Homotopy Invariant Algebratc Structures on Topological Spaces. X, 257 pages. 1973.
Vol. 376: I. J. Good and D. B. Osteyee, Information, Weight of Evidence. The Singularity between Probability Measures and Signal Detection. XI, 156 pages. 1974.
Vol. 348: A M. Mathai and R. K. Saxena, Generalized Hyper· geometric Functions with Applications in Statistics and Physical Sciences. VII, 314 pages. 1973.
Vol. 377 · A M. Fmk, Almost Penodtc Dtfferenltal Equations. VIII, 336 pages. 1974.
Vol. 349: Modular Functions of One Variable II. Edited by W. Kuyk and P. Deligne. V. 598 pages. 1973.
Vol. 378· TOPO 72- General Topology and tis Appltcaltons Proceedtngs 1972. Edtted by R. A A16, R. W. Heath and J. Nagata. XIV, 651 pages. 1974.
Vol. 350: Modular Functions of One Variable Ill. Edited by W. Kuyk and J.-P. Serre. V, 350 pages. 1973.
Vol. 379: A Badnkian et S. Chevet,
Vol. 351: H. Tachikawa, Ouasi-Frobenius Rings and Generaliza· !tons. XI, 1 72 pages. 1973. Vol. 352: J. D. Fay, Theta Funcltons on Riemann Surfaces. V, 137 pages. 1973. Voi. 353: Proceedings of the Conference.. on Orders, Group Rings and Related Topics. Organized by J. S. Hsia, M. L. Madan and T. G. Railey. X, 224 pages. 1973.
Mesures Cylmdnques,
Espaces de Wiener et For"lct1ons Al6ato1res Gaussiennes. X,
383 pages. 1974. Vol. 380: M. Petrich. Rings and Semtgroups. VIII, 182 pages. 1974. Vol. 381. Semina~re de Probabilttes VIII. Edite par P. A Meyer. IX, 354 pages. 1974. Vol. 382: J. H. van Lint, Combtnatonal Theory Semmar Emdhoven Untversity of Technology. VI, 131 pages. 1974.
Vol. 354: K. J. Devlin, Aspects of Constructibility. XII, 240 pages. 1973.
Vol. 383: Seminaire Bourbaki- vol. 1972/73. Exposes 418-435. IV, 334 pages. 1974.
Vol. 355. M. Sion, A Theory of Semigroup Valued Measures. V, 140 pages. 1973.
Vol. 384: Functtonal Analysts and Appltcaltons, Proceedmgs 1972. Edtted by L. Nachbm. V, 270 pages. 1974.
Vol. 356: W. L. J. van der Kallen, Infinitesimally Central Extensions of Chevalley Groups. VII, 14 7 pages. 1973.
Vol. 385: J. Douglas Jr. and T. Dupont, Collocation Methods for Parabolic Equaltons '" a Smgle Space Vanable (Based on C 'Ptecewtse-Polynomtal Spaces). V, 147 pages. 1974.
Vol. 357: W. Borho. P. Gabriel und R. Rentschler, Primideale in Einhullenden aufltisbarer Lie-Aigebren. V, 182 Seiten. 1973. Vol. 3
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